Chapter 25

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Clarke's POV

Hand in hand, we walked around enjoying our silence. It was light and carefree. This moment belonged only to us. Well, every now and then we threw such disgustingly amorous glances at each other, which, with anyone else, would have just made me sick. But here? Right now? I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful. I turned my head a bit to look at my girlfriend's beautiful profile and as soon as my gaze fell on her lips, I couldn't help myself, stopped, pulled her to me and kissed her. I put all my feelings, my love, into that kiss. I wanted to feel her, taste every inch, perceive that scent that was only her and never stop. I stroked my tongue over her lips and she opened her mouth, a slight moan escaped me and I pulled her even closer to me until we had to gasp for air.

Breathless, we stood inches from each other. "What was that for?" She was still gasping for air and her cheeks were flushed. She was so beautiful. God, could I really fall more in love?

"Well, I don't know if God is really true, but I hope you fall more in love with me. Because with me it's getting more and more every day, and yeah, I know it doesn't get much cheesier than that, but I can't help it." She gave me a crooked grin and I was just happy, even though my lungs weren't doing any better than hers.

"You can't imagine how happy you make me. Not just with your words now but just with everything. If you asked me today if I would marry you, my answer would be yes. That's how sure I am about us."

A shy, barely visible smile slid across her lips. "I'm sure about us too, but let's take it slow. At least on this subject. I want to do it right, with everything that entails."

I couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Lex, that wasn't a proposal, don't worry. I just wanted to tell you how I see us, that I want a future with you. Everything that goes with it, I want it with you." Instead of a reply, she kissed me tenderly and I returned it. It was her way of saying she felt the same way.

"Clarke!" I looked in the direction the voice came from and saw Bellamy.

"What do you want?" You could tell I was annoyed. Both by the interruption and by the one who was to blame for it. Anger crept up inside me and became more and more thunderous, like a waterfall increasing in mass.

"How can you? Even though you know what she's doing and have no idea who she's doing it with!" He glared at me angrily as I was about to lunge at him, but Lexa stopped me. "Leave him alone, he's not worth it."

"Not worth it? Did you hear what he said about you? I should beat the shit out of him!" By now my shoulders were shaking with tension, my breathing was getting heavier, and my fists were clenched. I fixed the idiot in front of me, ready at any moment to show him what I thought of him.

"Clarke, he's a cop. Let him talk, I don't care. I don't care what he says or thinks of me, I only care about your opinion." She gingerly took my chin between her thumb and forefinger and forced me to take my eyes off him. I saw the seriousness in her eyes and immediately calmed down. "Don't let him provoke you. There will always be people like him."

Meanwhile, Bellamy had moved closer and was looking over at us in disgust. "How can you stand by her? She's probably cheating on you with every customer, and if you don't believe me, I'm sure I can prove it to you. She's not good for you! I'm the one who's good for you, you just have to let me be. Give me a chance."

I snorted and looked at him again. I tried to give my voice as calm a tone as possible. "Bellamy. I told you last time. I don't want anything from you, and I love Lexa. No matter what you think you know about her or us, you're wrong. We never broke up either, no matter what you told Costia or imagined. Just leave me, leave us, alone. Whatever you imagine is between you and me is only in your imagination and will never happen."

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