Chapter 13

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Clarke's POV

"Clarke? You need to get going if you still want to catch your train." Nyko smiled at me, pointed to his watch, and I nodded. "You're right, I just need to grab my bag from my locker for a minute and then I'll be on my way." Hastily I gathered my things and after a quick goodbye, I walked as fast as I could to the train station. It was only a few minutes walk away and so I reached my train on time. 

My thoughts were centered on tomorrow's advanced training course to which my senior physician and friend Nyko had sent me. It is about the different blood groups and their connection to infections, dementia and the influence on memory. It was an extremely exciting topic and I was excited because the professor giving the lecture was a luminary in his field.

The train jolted regularly and I began to relax more and more. I needed that after this 24h shift. I closed my eyes and started to doze a bit until I finally arrived after a 2h ride in Azgeda, the next bigger city. Around 8pm I checked into the hotel and went to my room. The first thing I did was to throw myself on my bed, put my bag next to me and ordered my dinner from room service. I wouldn't be going anywhere today, because tomorrow would start early.


The room where the lecture was being held was quite large and when I arrived only the front row was empty. I rolled my eyes and felt like I was back in school where no one wanted to sit in the front row. 

10 minutes later the lecture started on time and just as the speaker was about to start to compare his theories with different studies and to support them with these, suddenly the door was torn open. A sweaty and heavily panting woman with shimmering red curls had rushed in and was convulsively trying to catch her breath while stammering an apology.

Curiously, I looked at the attractive woman. She was tall, slender, with strongly accentuated eyebrows and an engaging smile as well as a positive aura. Accordingly, I liked her right away. 

Finally, the unknown woman looked at the presentation on the screen and turned pale. "Am I not at the psychology continuing education here?" About 40 people simultaneously shook their heads and looked at her. "Oh my God...I'm so sorry, it wasn't my intention to interrupt. I must have gotten the hall mixed up because I don't know my way around..." 

She looked so distressed that I raised my hand. "Do you want me to help you look?" She nodded and smiled gratefully at me before we set off together to find the room for her continuing education.

"Hey, thanks for helping me. I would be completely lost without you. This is my first continuing education in Azgeda." She raised her hands and looked at me apologetically. "I'm Luna, by the way." This time she held out her hand to me. Also smiling, I accepted it. 

"Clarke and don't thank me too soon, I have no idea myself. But if I were you, I wouldn't want to search alone either." We searched for 20minutes for the info desk or anyone else who could help us until we finally got lucky.

During this time our conversation never broke up and I have to say, my first good impression of her was confirmed. We laughed a lot and actually had some things in common. Her relaxed nature also transferred to me and so in the end I was almost sad when we had to say goodbye.

"Yooouuu Clarke?" All of a sudden she seemed shy, shuffling her feet there in embarrassment and avoiding my gaze.


"Would you give me your number?" I smiled at her and she handed me her cell phone, into which I immediately transferred my contact details. After that, we said goodbye and I hurried back to my continuing education, where I opened the door as quietly as I could and sat down in my seat. 

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