Chapter 15

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Clarke's POV

A few months have passed since the kiss and the sex, and she was still on my mind. It had been fleeting encounters, just a moment, but it was more than I ever dared to dream. But since that morning, I had heard nothing from her. No matter how many times I tried to contact her. She didn't answer any mail and the escort service didn't have a phone number. I didn't have hers.

Lexa's put down message had hurt me and at some point I decided to let it go. I worked my shifts, often voluntarily taking on doubles with so much coffee that I began to sweat caffeine. It didn't make me more awake, though. And when I finally got to my bed, I would fall asleep exhausted, only to continue the next morning just as I had the day before.

On my days off, I avoided Raven a bit so I wouldn't have to answer questions I didn't even want to be asked. Instead, I went to Joe's and took someone else home almost every time. Accordingly, I had many one-night stands. I wanted to distract myself. Fine, I wanted to repress, so what? Is that a crime?! Who exactly was I yelling at? Was I really ranting with my thoughts right now? At some point, and I firmly assumed this, I would lose my mind and end up in an insane asylum. Right next to Raven's room, I wouldn't go there without her. After all, she would always outclass me in craziness.

Lexa's POV

I hadn't seen Clarke in a few months now and I missed her. I missed her so much that there wasn't a moment when I didn't think about her. Sitting in one of my lectures I started to dream about her and when we got a new professor and she resembled Clarke with her blond hair from behind, I almost fell off my chair.

I could no longer count the countless sleepless nights and so I stood, once again completely overtired, in front of the closet. My thoughts were still circling around the beautiful blonde and I automatically dressed myself the way she would like it. Accordingly, I put on a pair of light blue jeans, which emphasized my ass and a white, skin-tight and belly-free top. Over it my favorite black leather jacket.

Satisfied with my outfit, I descended the stairs whistling, where my sister greeted me. "Oh là là, do you have a date tonight or why are you all dressed up?"

I rolled my eyes and punched her on the shoulder. "Shut up Anya. Just because you live here for a few weeks doesn't mean you have to butt in everywhere."

"You realize you didn't answer my question, right?" She contorted her face into a mocking grin.

Again, I rolled my eyes. "Why exactly did I allow you to stay here until you got your own place? And no, you tease, I just have uni."

"Mhm, I'll believe you right now with that elevator and besides, you love me way too much, sis."

"Right now I'm doubting that. Why did you change your job anyway? I thought you were happy?" I knew there had to be more to it than she was letting on.

"This is a better offer, I couldn't turn it down." She shrugged but avoided my gaze, usually that meant one thing. She was lying, and that's why she couldn't manage to look me in the eye.

Since she wouldn't let me get away with such a cheap excuse either, I kept drilling. "Oh come on, that can't be all. You always told me that you wanted to stay there until they had to cut you out of your chair because you were fused to it. So what changed your mind?"

She swallowed a little and began to mumble. "It could be that I met someone..." Her cheeks turned red and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Oh my god. You're teasing me, when you're totally smitten yourself!"

"That's not true!" she began to protest, but I knew her better, or rather, I SO didn't. There just had to be more to it, even if she tried to hide it. "Oh come on. When have you ever moved head over heels for anyone?"

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