Chapter 12

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Clarke's POV

Once outside, Lexa turned to me, put her hands over my shoulders and intertwined them together behind my neck. "So, Clarkey baby, what else are you up to? Or should I ask you what else you're up to with ME?" The corners of her mouth twisted into a slight smile.

"You're laying it on, aren't you?" I rolled my eyes slightly.

She made an innocent looking eye flick and licked her lips at the same moment. "What am I getting at?" Yeah nah, right.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me. "You know that and now I need alcohol and normal music to dance to."

"So to a bar?"

"Not just any bar." 

"Taxi?" I nodded and she ordered one. Silently, holding hands and always seeking closeness, we waited for it to come.


"Hey Joe." I greeted him happily. I hadn't seen him in a while now, partly due to long shifts at the hospital and studying, but mostly because I was avoiding a certain woman, or at least trying to.

"Hey Clarke. New company today?" His eyes twinkled mischievously and knowingly. He just knew my taste. I winked at him in response while Lexa looked at me questioningly. "I've been here a few times with Nyilah," I dismissed his comment with a shrug.

"And alone to pick up women?" She leaned toward me, pressing her body against me. I turned and wrapped my arms around her, linking them together in front of her stomach. "And if it were?"

"Then hopefully it's over now that you have a girlfriend." At those words, she snuggled up to me. The surprised look on Joe's face didn't escape me, of course, but I ignored it and turned my attention to Lexa instead. 

I breathed a kiss on her neck and then answered her. "When I have a girlfriend, I am faithful and completely devoted to her. I don't even notice other women or men. At least not in the same way as her." She smiled and turned around so she could look me in the eye. "No matter how hot they are?"

"My escort will always be the hottest." My features immediately softened as soon as I looked into that green. I meant every word and there were many more on the tip of my tongue, but I didn't utter any of them.

Suddenly her eyes sparkled mischievously. "So, so, you're into both? Double temptation, so to speak?" 

I nodded, yet only had eyes for her. "Yeah, so you're going to have to step it up if you want to keep up."

"So I'm in competition?" I looked into her eyes and yet didn't penetrate that forest of emotions. Was she sad about it? Did it even matter? Was it wishful thinking? A hope that would never be fulfilled? 

I took a deep breath in and out and closed my eyes for a moment. "Like you'd like to be uncompetitive." My voice sounded sadder than it should and just as she started to say something back, she froze. I saw fear in her eyes and didn't understand what was going on all of a sudden, so I turned around. 

Behind me was a young woman, about our age, with light brown hair and hazel eyes. She looked at us in amazement. "Lexa?" But this one was unable to speak and I understood. "This is Costia?" I turned to her and tried to catch her gaze, which I finally succeeded in doing.

"Yes." Her body was a single tension and she looked like she was going to faint at any moment. This wasn't just fear, this was panic. The sorrow in her eyes was palpable and the anger in me rose to immeasurable levels. 

"The Costia?" Lexa nodded and at that moment I struck as hard as I could. I hit her jaw and heard the crack, but I didn't care. 

After the blow, the mobber was on the ground and I stood over her, ready to strike again if she moved wrong or even breathed.  

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