Chapter 28

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Lexa's POV

"Who had the stupid idea to move in together anyway?" Panting, I dragged myself up what felt like a thousand stairs, only because this crappy elevator was broken.

"You, my darling," Clarke replied with an equal gasp, which made me smile. Her hair stuck lightly to her forehead and the exertion was clear to see. But in my eyes, she remained the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Can you stop me next time?" My voice sounded pleading, but my pretty friend knew no mercy, which only increased my smile.

"No, not when you're planning our future." She smiled back in agony as she held her side. "I really need to start working out again," I heard her curse softly about her condition.

"Can we agree that this one won't?" This question earned me an irritated look. "We haven't even seen the apartment yet, have we?" Clarke had stopped short to look at me.

"Yeah, anyway. The elevator's broken."

"If you're going to turn down the apartment anyway, why are we dragging ourselves up the 10,000 steps?" An irritated look turned into an uncomprehending one, and I could understand her. Still, I shrugged. "Because we have an appointment with the realtor."

"Well, if we don't take the apartment, we'll add an item to our list. Intact elevator is a must. Otherwise we'll have to lug all the furniture up."

I waved it off vigorously. "Forget it. We'll get a moving service."

"Are you sure? I thought we'd convince Raven and Anya to help us. Just because I want to see their faces when they realize there's no elevator, or at least not one that goes."

"You're mean." I had to laugh because I was just picturing the two of them. "Are you trying to make me like the apartment? Because the thought of the two of them makes it directly enticing." She looked at me with a grin as we climbed the last few steps almost on hands and feet. "Eeefinally at the top." I really needed to exercise more, and not just in bed. The corners of my mouth twitched at the thought and immediately Clarke poked me in the side. "Why are you grinning so dirty?"

I pulled her close. "I was just thinking about my favorite sport." She raised an eyebrow questioningly and my head spin only increased. "You and me, in bed, no clothes...need I say more?"

Clarke was about to start to say something when the door opened and the realtor stood inside. "There you are. Miss Griffin, Miss Woods. Please, come in. I hope you don't mind the landlord being present, he insisted."

We smiled at the tall bald man, who regarded us closely. His stern gaze rested first on my companion before he began to scrutinize me. Because this intense staring eventually became uncomfortable for me, I tried to break it. "Good afternoon. This is Clarke Griffin and I'm Lexa Woods. Nice to meet you." I handed him my hand, which he took and shook lightly.

"Titus." That's all he said, and he ignored Clarke's outstretched hand as well. Suddenly the expression in his eyes changed and he knelt down in front of me. Completely flabbergasted, I didn't move and didn't understand the world anymore, even more so when he then also took my hand in his. His head was bowed and he did not look at me. "Heda, at last I have found you. My people have been searching for you for years." Helplessly I looked over at Clarke who looked shocked and amused at the same time and just shrugged her shoulders. Had someone been joking with me? Would Anya, or more likely Raven, do something like that?

When I didn't answer, Titus looked up in intimidation. "Please let me be your flame keeper so I can teach you everything I know. I've been preparing for this moment all my life." With those words, he literally threw himself at my feet.

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