Chapter 11

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Clarke's POV

I didn't know what I was expecting, but definitely not this. Bellamy had sent me the invitation to the Police Ball and now we were standing outside the building. I had expected it to look dark and gloomy, about like the gym from the reunion. But in front of me I saw a beautiful, large house, illuminated by countless lights and with many people standing in front of it. 

I had to admit to myself that I was wrong. Well, even a mistake could happen to me, rarely, but no rule without exception and also no confirmation. 

Well, let's get to the essentials. In front of me walked a hot woman, who just looked so good that you wanted to nibble her directly, so exactly what I had imagined in my description at the time, and whom I paid for her company. Damn! Why was she also wearing such a dress and walking a few steps in front of me? I just had to stare at her ass then.

"Clarke? You coming?" Only then did she notice my stare. "What exactly are you staring at?" The corner of her left mouth lifted.

I dismissed it with a shrug, though, as if I didn't see that knowing twinkle. "The building in front of us. I never thought the police would rent a place like that right away." Understating, I raised my hands and pointed to that very building.

She raised her eyebrows before grinning with great conviction. "That building is higher up than your view just now, though. I rather thought you were staring at my ass."

"Why would I when there's such a magnificent building in front of me?" I tried to sound innocent as I could. Like it was an impossibility not to mean this building. Talk about naivete on two legs.

She stopped so abruptly that I ran into her. Lexa took my hand and guided it to her ass, "Oh yeah, is that so?"

I grabbed it briefly, which I don't think she was expecting because her mouth was open before I let go of her butt. "Yes, actually." I left her standing after that, celebrating my little triumph as she was still standing in the same place. "You coming?" Shaking her head, she followed me. 

I avoided eye contact because I didn't want her to see how excited I was by that touch.

Arriving at the entrance, we got in line before finally being asked for the invitations by a police officer positioned there. I handed them to him and he raised his eyebrow in amazement. "You're Clarke Griffin?"

"Yes. Is there a problem?

"No," he waved it off. "My information was merely different."

"Meaning?" The cop in front of me made me curious. What did that mean?

"I was told that you were Bellamy Blake's escort." Still looking at me steadfastly, the man tightened a little more.

"Is that a problem now? The invitation said you could bring a guest? If she's not allowed in, I'll leave too." I immediately clarified and I was serious.

"No, that's already true. Have a good time then ladies." He waved us off, but watched us for another moment.

We stepped through and I felt confirmed in my suspicions that he had planned it as a date. Now I was even more grateful that Lexa was accompanying me. He knew I was in a relationship, but apparently I had to remind him. He could have figured it out for himself that if the invitation said you could bring someone, Lexa would be the only logical choice. I wanted nothing from him except his friendship. "That was weird," it now came from Lexa's side.

"Yes, it was. I'm increasingly sure that Bellamy thought the invitation was a date, even though I'd made it clear that I was only interested in him as a friend."

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