Chapter 32

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Clarke's POV

"You've got to be kidding me Clarke. Are you really that superstitious?" Stunned, she looked at me.

"Yes Lexa and no, superstitious is not what I would call it, but I don't want to risk it either. Besides, what's wrong with a girls' night out with your sister?" I thought it was a good objection, she on the other hand clearly less so.

"I don't want to have to sleep without you though!" She pouted, pushing her lower lip out slightly. She knew exactly what that did to me. But unlike usual, today she didn't get her way, just a little sigh.

"Oh babe, I don't want to have to sleep without you either, but tomorrow will be all the better for seeing you." The thought of an empty bed made my heart feel all heavy, because over the past few months I had gotten used to Lexa being my personal heater and waking up in the morning with an extra weight on my chest.

"Promise?" She still looked skeptical, making me laugh.

"I promise." Gently, I pulled her into my arms and gave her a little kiss. "Can you believe that tomorrow is already here? I mean, tomorrow my name is officially Clarke Griffin - Woods. It feels like a dream come true." I went into raptures at the thought alone, imagining a thousand different scenarios of what Lexa would look like. She had bought the dress with Anya and I had bought it with Raven, but ultimately it wouldn't matter because she would be a stunning bride anyway.

Lexa looked at me fondly. "We are only a few hours away from this and I can't wait. You are going to be the most beautiful bride the world has ever seen."

"Believe it or not, I had the same thought earlier."

"That you're the most beautiful bride?" She grinned mischievously at me and I instantly blushed a little before I started laughing. "That too, but actually I thought the same thing about you."

"Shall we agree that we are hottest chicks ever and no one can compete with us?" She beamed at me with such confidence that I wasn't sure if she was serious or not. "And what about Raven and Anya?", I interjected. Those two were kind of in the mix everywhere, after all.

"They're in second place."

"Do you really think they're satisfied with that?" I couldn't for the life of me imagine that, even though the look on their faces would probably be hilarious if we told them that or something like it.

"No, but something tells me they've had the same conversation before and we were in second place then."

"You think?"

"You know those two, don't you?" I was about to interject something, but then let it stay. When she was right, she was right. "Speaking of those two, how much time do we have before they come to pick us up?"

I looked at my watch. "Hmm, another good two hours, why?"

She looked at me mischievously. "That gives us another two hours to make up for a whole night lost."

"Oh yeah, what do you have in mind?" She looked at me like a hunter at his prey, took a step closer, stepped behind me, and clasped her hands around my belly. Gently, she pushed my hair a little to the side and spread many kisses on my neck, making me moan slightly and igniting a fire inside me.

"Was the hint enough?" she breathed into my ear questioningly, which immediately raised goosebumps on my body.

I tried to make my voice sound as strong as possible, very likely with moderate success. "I think you're going to have to give me a few more. Somehow I can't figure it out." I pretended to be as innocent as I could, but when she pushed into my throat until, I couldn't stop a gasp. Her hands stroked along my side and almost fleetingly touched my breasts. My heart began to race, my mouth went dry, and I leaned into every caress. With each touch, my body wanted even more. "Okay," she whispered incredibly sexy, "I'd say you and me, in our bedroom, on our bed, with no clothes on, or you at least. I really want to see your breasts again today or I won't be able to sleep or I'll have nightmares." I smirked but kept silent as goosebumps spread all over my body. "My goal is for you to not be able to walk properly afterwards, so that everyone sees that he or she, too, doesn't stand a chance and you have to think of me every step of the way."

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