Chapter 36

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Clarke's POV

As we have so many times in the past few months, Raven, Anya, Lexa and I sat in a circle on our living room floor. "Really now Anya, every time I see you your belly is even bigger." I shook my head in disbelief. How was such a thing even possible? The corners of my mouth twisted, earning me a deadly glare, which I dismissed with a laugh.

"That's on purpose, I thought you being a doctor knew that?" she replied mockingly, which only widened my grin, almost making me wish she'd stick her tongue out at me. That would be the von plus ultra just now, but that would be too much to ask, I realized, so I just grinned briefly.

"Yes, but so big?" played horrified I pointed with both my hands on her oversized belly. There would have easily fit 4 babies or ne small band. How the sound in there was probably? An echo I could probably not expect and from outside it would probably sound pretty dull. At the thought, I could only stifle a giggle with difficulty. "That one took on dimensions I didn't think were possible."

Anya nodded and looked almost punitively at her wife. "Soon this thing will be out, and then it's definitely Raven's turn. I need a break from this." Now it was she who pointed to her belly, moaning in agony.

"Yeah man, I'll squeeze this thing out and then we'll have two strapping people who will be friends with your kids. If they don't like each other, they're out of luck. They just have to, there's nothing to discuss." My best friend crossed her arms, looking very stern for a moment, before smiling broadly as always and stroking Anya's belly lovingly.

Thoughtfully, I furrowed my eyebrows. "How are you going to make her do that? Waterboarding?" Raven's ensuing response made me doubt that she understood I was just kidding, because she shrugged her shoulders in a relaxed manner, as if it didn't matter and we weren't exactly talking about a torture method, which made me conclude that I should indeed be afraid. "If you must." Shocked, I looked at my best friend.

Okay, yes, my worry was justified, probably even more than I had previously thought. Would I ever be able to sleep soundly again once we had kids? I doubted it very much right now and was already inwardly bracing myself for the nightmares, while at the same time trying to prevent the worst from happening. "I doubt you'll be able to arouse their sympathy for our children that way. Maybe joint trips or vacations would be better, don't you think?" Urgently I looked at her, rather I took her too seriously in this case. I didn't want to take any chances.

"Or something. I don't really care how, as long as they do it." Because after all, it was so easy to force one kid to like another... Especially this way.

"You're kind of hacky, aren't you? Like I'd ever let you waterboard her, and no," Anya pointed threateningly at her wife, "not even in the light version." Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought she could do it. By now she also knew Raven just too well to take any chances.

"And they always say I'm the softie. " The addressed stretched her chin a little forward and sent her lover a kiss.

"You are, and now shut up." Anya rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I don't know baby girl, last night you couldn't get enough of my mouth." Confidently, she grinned at Anya and I felt sick. So really, really sick.

"Will you shut up Rae. My little sister doesn't need to know everything." Anya seemed almost embarrassed and if I wasn't mistaken she was blushing a little, but it couldn't be that. It had to be the light or the shade or just something else. Anything was more realistic than her actually blushing, no way.

"That we have sex they know. After all, you can't miss the results." Raven pointed with a slight nod of her head to Anya's belly, which was obviously at the forefront of our conversations, and now arguments, today. Which might have been due to her slanted sitting position or the frequency with which the unborn kicked her belly.

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