Chapter 7

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Clarke's POV

I awoke in Nyilah's bed. Despite yesterday's mood, sex occurred that evening. It was fine and satisfying, but something was missing. She had snuggled up to me while I had slid to the very end of the bed. At first I wanted to stay lying down, but then decided against it after a few minutes because I was getting more and more impatient and went to the kitchen to make myself a coffee after throwing something on. Naked, I didn't want to move around the apartment.

An hour later Nyilah woke up and called for me. I went to her and she immediately pulled me into bed, in which she began to kiss and undress me. After another 2 hours we finally got up, got dressed and went to town because she really wanted to pick up some bargains. Somewhat reluctantly, I accompanied her. The many people who had the same idea as her, went to me after the first 5minuten on the nerves and inwardly I had already killed more than one. After an hour I had planned the perfect crime and after another 3, Nyilah wanted to commit this on me.

But everything in order. 

We strolled between the stores and again and again she reached for my hand, but I didn't feel like it and instead carried the bags in a way that made it impossible. That was the first point at which her mood sank further and further. Then I still rejected her constant search for closeness and then the ultimate happened, the last bit that was missing to let the bomb burst. We met my parents. Which Nyilah didn't know yet, the reasons for which should be obvious.

"Clarke sweetheart." Came they calling towards us and I thanked the heavens I wasn't holding their hand.

They hugged me tightly and then introduced themselves to Nyilah, who I in turn introduced to them as a friend. This was the latest point where she probably bought the scoop on the inside, but just gave me a nasty glare on the outside. 

"How are you? And how's Lexa? Did you get home okay?" I gulped and that's when I knew, were there a chance, I'd probably be burned at the stake or otherwise murdered. 

"She's fine and yes, it was a pleasant ride. She had to go to the office today, but depending on how late it gets, I'll see her this evening."

"Well, give her our love. It was so nice to meet her Christmas." My mother smiled broadly and by the gleam in her eyes I could tell she had taken *my friend* to her heart.

My father nodded in agreement, his smile at least as wide and as warm. "We'd love for you to bring her back soon. Then we'll finally get your waffles again, or would you make pancakes for breakfast again?" 

"Will do, but as for breakfast, you'll have to mess with Lexa. Your wish is my command." My parents looked at each other conspiratorially, but fell silent and instead gave me a kiss on the head before saying goodbye and disappearing. I cursed, knowing exactly what to expect now, but I had to maintain my cover. Not that it wasn't true. Still... 

As soon as the two were out of sight and earshot, the drama started. "Who is Lexa and why does she know your family?"

"Lexa is a good friend and I invited her to spend Christmas with us." I tried to dodge and defuse the whole situation. From the look on Nyilah's face, I wasn't succeeding. She was almost seething and her next words were almost growling. Oh man.

"You've never mentioned her before! And I've asked you before if I could come too, and you've always refused!" Angrily, she drew her eyebrows together and clenched her hands into fists.

"We haven't known each other that long and it's my decision who I invite to my house, after all!" As much as I liked her, there were boundaries that even she had to abide by. My family often got on my nerves, but they were mine and they were important to me.

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