Chapter 29

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Clarke's POV

I wiped my forehead and tried to get rid of the sweat. Completely exhausted, I sat down on the somewhat dusty floor where Raven, Anya and Lexa were already sitting. "Phew, next time we'll sell our furniture and have the new stuff delivered and set up right away." I looked around the furnished apartment and my excitement at my proposal grew immeasurably. I never wanted anything like this again, I'd rather take a little more money in hand. My body ached, my muscles contracted and I had cramps in places I didn't even know could cramp.

"Are you planning on moving again soon? If so, I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you honey. I'm definitely going to be here for the next five years." Almost in a panic, Lexa looked at me. I laughed and everything in my chest contracted with pain. Oh man, this could still be something.

"Oh God, no. No 10 horses are going to get me out of here. The only thing I want is to take a hot shower and then lie in our king size bed and sleep. Will you come?" I tried to grin at her as seductively as possible, but probably looked as destroyed as the rest of me.

"Eeew, Griffin. I don't even want to know. Can you guys put off your smut until later? I want to be able to eat later. Besides, you guys are paying for dinner. You owe me a night of love with my baby girl. I'm already sore as hell in my arms and would never be able to provide her with the same standard as usual." Raven protectively put her arm around Anya, who stared at her in bewilderment. "Is there actually hacking somewhere on your end? What's next, our favorite positions?"

"What? Those weren't bad details at all, were they? Besides, we haven't even tried them all yet to be able to say that." Nonchalantly, Raven shrugged. What was the big deal with a statement like that? After all, it just included everything I didn't want to know.

"Too many details! Now shut up or you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight." Annoyed, she pushed Raven's arm off her shoulders.

I laughed. "You're complaining to me because I'm asking Lexa to come take a shower with me, and in the same breath you dare to vent about how I owe you a night of love? THAT'S eew. But what I'm more interested in." I raised my eyebrows questioningly before looking at Anya. "Babygirl? You don't look like a baby girl..."

Anya rolled her eyes. "I tried to exorcise her, but alas, to no avail. Not even an exorcism would help."

"Maybe you'll just have to hit me harder next time." Raven grinned and pursed her lips, but her laughter quickly faded as she was pummeled. She rubbed her arm exaggeratedly and crossed her arms. "Maybe I should find other friends, you just don't appreciate me."

"I appreciate you then, when you have the electronics in place." I teased her laughing, which she took as an opportunity to snort violently. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be good enough for that then."

Lexa, Anya and I first looked at the pouting Raven, who looked like she was about to throw a tantrum, before we burst out laughing loudly, which she also joined after a few seconds.

"Let's face it, you three would be hopelessly lost without me." My best friend was still gasping for breath while we, the ones lost without her, just looked at her and shook our heads.

"Has anyone ever told you how incredibly conceited you are? It's almost beyond the pale." I looked at Raven and marveled at the extent of her haughtiness. Even after years of friendship, she still managed to surprise me. But as always, she remained relaxed, shrugged her shoulders and pointed at her friend. "Yaaa, Anya tells me that several times a day and still she can't keep her hands off me. It's a wonder I'm not pregnant yet."

"It's called biology you idiot and I'm happy to prove to you that I can certainly keep my fingers to myself if that's what you want."

"Who said anything about wanting here, please? And babygirl, we both know that's not true. Do I need to remind you how many times you've hoisted me up on our kitchen counter and shown me your love and a whole lot of other stuff? I mean, there I was just walking in the door..."

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