Chapter 24

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Clarke's POV

"Okay Lex, today we're going to get serious. You're going to be thrown right into the lion's den. Are you sure you feel up to it? If you come with me now, there's no turning back." I punctuated what I said with dramatic gestures while looking at her seriously. I felt like one of those cult leaders who proclaimed that the end of the world was near and a fight would save everyone. Like that nut Bill Cadogan and his Cult of the Second Dawn.

"Clarke, don't you think you're exaggerating a little? We're just meeting your parents, who I've also met before and who gave me the engagement ring...remember? Besides, I get to call them mom and dad. I don't think I have to worry about that."

"Yeah, but now you're my real girlfriend, there's a lot more pressure. Now you really HAVE to convince her of who you are. Before we didn't have a relationship that depended on it, now we do." I emphasized the words on purpose and they didn't miss their mark. And what can I say? I was really enjoying it a lot.

"Baby, NOW you're making me nervous. I wanted to be as relaxed about it as I have been the last few times. Do I have to be a nervous wreck now? All I wanted was a cozy evening with your family, lots of cuddling with you like we used to do, and then to drop the covers in your gorgeous bed to fall asleep with you."

"And we have to be naked for that?" I playfully cocked my head to the side and grinned smugly at her.

"That's all you hear again? And yes, we definitely have to. You and naked, is always better than you and dressed." Her mischievous grin grew immeasurably and I could literally see her head-spinning in her eyes.

"Oh Lex, I get the rest of it and of course I just love to tease you too. I get to see you nervous far too rarely."

"You're cruel," she groaned. "Sometimes I really can't stand you!"

"That's bullshit and you know it. You love me way too much for that." I laughed and blushed all at once. "Um, so... you know what I mean. I mean, we've never said this to each other before and I don't expect it to be like this, after all, we haven't been together thatooo long and... oh man, I just wasn't paying attention to what I was saying..."

"Clarke, relax. You're right. I love you and actually I've been wanting to tell you that for a while, I just didn't know how and I honestly got weak in the knees."

Beaming, I began to smile and hugged her as she spoke before interrupting her with a kiss. "I love you too, you nervous wreck."

"You're such a jerk." But she said it so lovingly that I was now the one with soft knees.

"Mmm, but I'm yours." At that she had to laugh and hand in hand we got into my car. She probably more nervous than before and me with even more butterflies flying wildly in my stomach.

Gently I put a hand on her leg and gently rubbed her knee. With every fiber of my body and every screaming cell, I knew I loved this woman. How had I ever thought otherwise? How had I lied to myself for so long, or at all?

We sat next to each other in silence for a while and I couldn't take my eyes off her. This continued until she looked at me questioningly and slightly concerned. "Is everything okay with you?"

"Yeah, I am..." It was meant to sound evasive, only I couldn't hide the fat but behind it and that didn't escape Lexa's notice.

"But? Something's bothering you, isn't it?" For the first time, I turned my head away in embarrassment and looked down at her legs, where by now her hand was on mine.

How was I supposed to express what I was feeling when I couldn't even get it right in my mind? She began to leave soothing circles on my skin, leaving me the space I needed. Until eventually I managed to formulate a sentence that made sense. "I'm...I'm just grateful." I shrugged as the question marks in Lexa's eyes grew larger.

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