CH: 1

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I was more tired than other days, work was killing me as usual and I was trying to cope up, just like I have been doing for the past four years. But specially today work was so hectic. I played songs in my car, there wasn’t massive traffic like every day, and I wondered what’s going on. Was everyone already home and resting and having fun with their loved on or was it me who was overthinking even about the traffic?

I just need to go home, get changed, eat, and sleep because I cannot deal with anyone anymore. Today was one of those days that weren’t in my favor, dealing with people was getting tough each passing second. I sighed and focused on driving. It was almost the end of October and the weather was nice, not too hot, not too chilly. I liked it.

It took half an hour to reach home, today surprisingly, I looked at the watch it was 8:30 pm. After parking the car, I went to our house. Mom opened the door in no time after I rang the bell. she looked happy and gave me the biggest smile, I couldn’t understand, “You’re back!” which sounded so fake. I was confused about what was she trying to do.

“Yes, and I am so tired right now. I will eat after I freshen up” I heard laughter, my steps halted, guests were here and I was very well aware of my mother’s behavior because of guests. I didn’t even spare her a glance and went towards my room. I walked into my walk-in closet and took out my comfy clothes.

“Nishita, go out and talk to guests” Mom barged into my room without even knocking, and I looked at her. “Mom, you don’t need my help today, I am tired today. I need some rest. And it’s almost dinner time which means dinner is ready why do I need to go?”

“Yes, tired” I could say this was the starting of an argument like usual, I turned back and took out my nightwear, “You always say this after coming home, if you’re tired I always suggest you to take over our business. Can’t you just stop working and help in family business?” and once again, not today I was very tired. She tells me this almost every day and I am so tired I feel like running away. She was the reason I am still stuck here or else I would’ve been on a  different continent by now, far away from this place which I call home but it’s everything except home.

I’m 26 and for what, I have to work as if I am doing everything under her, she is the one who decides everything, I can’t even have my own life at this point. She didn’t even let me go out of this city.

“We always tell you, to leave it and get into our family business.” I turned to look at her, holding my clothes, “Mom, please not today” If my eyes could tell, they were practically begging for a break, “Mom, you know I am not interested at all. There was a reason I didn’t study anything about business, didn’t choose commerce, and didn’t go for BBA or MBA. Let’s drop this topic” I was trying to be calm.

“Why? Truth hurts you, Nishita?” I looked at her with disbelief, “What??”

“Your behavior will get you nowhere Nishita, you’re so stubborn about everything. Why can’t you just agree to what we say?”

“When did I not agree with anything you said? Tell me!” I snapped, I knew my patience was running out with each passing second, business this business that, this was getting over. “You told me to do masters here in Delhi, I worked my ass off to get in Delhi, you stopped me from going abroad even after I got the best placement and I got a job here so that I could stay home, even though I need to drive every day. What else do you want?”

“There is just one way for you to leave this place.” I wonder did she just said this as a joke or was she serious. I don’t even think she is serious, because it’s not a decision she is supposed to take like this.

“Either way, get dressed well, behave well, and come out for dinner.”
“Mom, tell me you are joking about everything.”

“I said get dressed and come outside, meet them” She looked so firm. When she saw me, not even moving an inch, she straight away went towards my closet, “Mom stop” she was going through my clothes, I was wondering what was wrong with her today, well when is something not wrong with her, the way she treats me makes me wonder, am I the oldest daughter of this household or just a mere responsibility of my parents?

She took out ‘decent clothes’ according to her, and told me to get dressed.

“Mom can’t I just greet them and come back, I am really tired” I held her hand, “Nishita behave!” I didn’t understand why was she behaving like this, extra?

“You need to start behaving, be a good daughter, and talk to them sweetly. Am I asking too much from you?” I was so tired, she left after dumping my clothes on my bed. All I wanted was to rest today and get good sleep. If I knew something like this was going to happen then I would’ve eaten after work. I sighed, I didn’t even know who came and no one even informed me. I sighed again and went to change my clothes.

I looked at myself in the mirror I looked so tired but tried smiling looking at the mirror, I had to put on that fake smile, and show how good and decent daughter I am, because I can not disappoint my family, no matter how many times they disappoint me.

I went out of my room, and saw guests sitting in the hall, they were talking about something and everyone looked genuinely happy. I walked towards them and greeted them with a smile.

I looked at them, I knew them because of my grandfather particularly. Family friends for a reason I guess? I’ve seen them a few times and I love the way aunty is with everyone, she feels warm. Every time, they come it’s just uncle and aunty and it’s rarely grandfather comes with them; their kids don’t come, I barely remember them, I guess it’s been almost ten years since I last saw them.

I think being in totally different streams and jobs comes with this, mom and dad always talk about how amazing both are at their job. I sighed and tried to smile.

“Nishita” I smiled at aunty, I walked towards her, and she hugged me tight. Just like always it feels so warm. “It’s been months or maybe almost a year since I last saw you, you are never here when I visit your mom.” I smiled and she kissed my cheeks, “Nishita is just perfect”

“thank you” I smiled at her, “Are you tired today? You look tired?” I smiled awkwardly, this was something I expected my mom to ask after I came back home today.

“A little” She caressed my cheeks with love, I could see it in her eyes or maybe I was reading too much into the actions.

“Diya, your daughter is just perfect you know.” I looked at her in confusion. “Father what do you say? Isn’t she?” he smiled and nodded.

“I knew it, she is his granddaughter, how could we make a wrong choice.” I was missing out on something, I was trying to figure out and talking about my own grandfather, I miss him a lot. How things would’ve been different today if he was with us.

“Nishita, go get some rest, I will send you dinner in your room. You must be tired today” I looked at mom in disbelief as if she wasn’t the one who dragged me here and now she is behaving as if she cared.

“You will send dinner?” I was trying not to shout at her and make a scene infront of everyone. I took a deep breath before speaking, “Fine then. I will take my leave”

I turned back and started walking towards my room slowly but I heard something that I couldn’t just ignore, “She’s just perfect for Seungcheol. I am so sorry he couldn’t come today or else today would’ve been best” I heard grandfather’s voice. I stopped abruptly; my mind couldn’t process.

What are they planning…?


Perfect for him?

Author’s Note:

I will tell you beforehand, since I am in my final year of uni, updates might be a bit late but I promise I will update as soon as I write. Thankyou so much for reading

happy reading~

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