Ze Doctor and The Hospital (Schneep's World Part 1)

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Jack had woken up to the sound of something beeping steadily, and pure white blindness. He had covered his face as he was slowly adjusting. "Wait..... is this... a hospital room ...?" He sat up, seeing all the wellness and physician posters on the walls and various doctor equipment. "Where did the zombies go?" He heard jingling as he had looked down at his neck, seeing a green piece on a string, holding it in his hands, it was the amulet he got from Robbie.

"Robbie gave me this but where is he now?" He wouldn't get an answer as a doctor came into the room, hair poking out of a little cap, a blue mask and that coat, he had a green piece around his neck as well, holding a clipboard. "Ah yes. Jackieboy! How are you feeling right now? Good ya?" Schneep responded. "It's another piece!" He was happy to see the doctor alive and not dead but a piece was right in front of him, and it was a struggle to get the last one, he looked at Schneep.

"I'm fine Schneep. I need that piece." He pointed at his neck, showing his piece. "Nein Jack. Zis helped me achieve my goal, I'm now ze head doctor of zis hospital and you are nothing more than a patient. Now lay back down zo I can examine you." Jack just layed down, letting the doctor do his job. After about 9 minutes of examination, he wrote on his clipboard. "You are ok and in the great shape my friend! Now I have other patients to attend to!" He would leave the room, leaving Jack in thought.

"Great. Another struggle. He's now going to have it over easy like Robbie did at first. I have to find the others, maybe they can help. But, the question is, Will they be doctors or patients like me?" He would get up, leave the room, walk down the hall, he would be in hall G-C6, and there were a few other rooms in there as well. He went on the elevator, trying to find where Schneep could have gone but his eyes trailed the buttons.

All of them were numbers except for the last one, being just an A. He had gone to floor 1, taking a look around, more rooms with more patients but reaching the front door, an alarm sounded. He had turned around, seeing many doctors coming towards him, one holding a sedative. "Let go you doctor freaks!" Jack struggled against their grasp, feeling a prick before falling unconscious again, the last things he heard was, "The patient looks like us. Did the head doctor take care of him? What we do now with him? Just put him on the A floor. Nobody gets out of the hospital. And now, he's going to suffer the consequences."

Jack's body got tossed into the A floor the door closed shut, leaving in complete darkness.

To be continued....

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