Jack the Home Wrecker (Chase's World Part 2)

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"Look Chase, this is going to sound really crazy, but I need that piece on your hat, it's part of this magic amulet right here around my neck. I need it to restore my world back to normal." Jack explained his mission in detail. Chase just sat down, unable to take it all in, he was just a father with a wife and two kids, he didn't know anything about amulets and magic. "Is this why you are gone for so long, to get your pieces back?" Chase responded. "What? No! Chase, this isn't your world! It's my world! Changed to fit your liking!" Jack yelled. "What, do you mean by that?" Chase was curious. 

"In my world, Chase you're a father with two kids, but you're divorced with your wife Stacy, you drink alcohol like water, have severe depression, and act like a kid. You have no job, and a real shitty life. I'm sorry...." Jack explained Chase's real life and Chase looked upset. "So, you take this piece and then my life is over?! My kids, gone, my wife, gone, my perfect life I made here... gone. Then I'm not giving you this. Ever. I'm keeping my perfect life, and you can go." Chase said, pushing Jack out of the house, closing the door. "Chase no! My world will never be fixed as long as you have that piece! Please just..." Jack would say but fell on deaf ears. "I shouldn't have told him about his life. I could have gotten the piece easier if I had said nothing.... Way to go Jack..." He said to himself. Now he had to think of some other way to get that piece. 

Chase was in a neighborhood, all of his characters were his neighbors, he could get their help. He knocked on the door of the shed, waiting for an answer. "For the last time Chase, you can't borrow sugar from my hero fortress!" Jackieboyman would yell, cracking open his door, Jack went inside and sure enough, it was a whole hero lair, with gadgets, tools, and supplies. "Jackie, it's Jack! I'm back from visiting and could use your help." Jack called, not knowing where the hero could be in his lair. Said hero came sliding down a pole, with his equipment ready. "Hey Jack, would help but duty calls!" He runs out, off to save the day somewhere.

He went to the doctor's house seeing a sign that said, "Ze doctor is not in. Come again later!" Jack sighed in frustration.  He went over to Marvin's house, the same thing, "Out being magical, I'll be back in a magical second!" His last resort was the black house in the neighborhood, definitely creepy and spooky like Chase said. He went up to the house, it creaked open, and he walked inside. Looking around, it was a small haunted like house, he had to find Anti who should live here and get his help. "Boo!" Someone exclaimed, making Jack jump in fear. "We got him good..." Anti would say, Robbie chuckled beside him. "Anti and Robbie, you're just the two I was looking for! I need you two for something..." Jack was going to plot something using them.

To be continued......

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