The show is... Already over? And Started Again?!

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Going into the back of the theatre, Jameson showed Jack his backstage area, with all his puppets, props, and black cards used for the show. "Isn't it beautiful? Here I can entertain the good folks around here with jolly good entertainment!" Jameson, actually spoke. Dialogue. This made Jack take a step back as hearing Jameson actually talk took him for a loop.

"Are you alright there sir? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Jack had to get his bearings and focus on the task at hand. "I'm alright. Thank you good sir. But I have come from a far land in search of that trinket there on your hat! As you can see, I am missing pieces to restore it back to its rightful glory!" Jack had held the amulet in hand, seeing as it was missing 4 more pieces. Jameson took off his hat, looking at the piece on it.

"Well I'm sorry! I didn't mean to take something that was owned. I found this right in front of the theatre, and kept it for luck but it is yours so-" Jameson got interrupted when he gave the piece to Jack, the world starting to crumble around the pair. Having another piece, the amulet shined again, 3 left. "Jameson!" Jack saw the character fall into a void below along with everything in that works he created. Jack was going in the opposite direction, going upwards.


The void seemed to crash with the impact he made, as he was back on the ground, in a new place once again. Getting up, her would see a whole carnival with rides, games, food and fun! "Woah, a carnival!" Jack had run inside, looking at the rides like the "Spleen Launcher", the "Turbo Drive", and who could forget, the "Lazy Susan"? In the back of the carnival, past the roller coaster, there was a giant tent for a carnival show. After riding the "Spinning Seagull", he saw the tent and a sign. "Marvin the Magnificent Magician, show starts at 4!"

Jack nodded to himself, walking inside. "Marvin has to have one. He must have made this carnival. Like how Jameson and the others made their worlds. Now I get it. The pieces separated and went to each one of my characters, allowing them to make their own worlds with the others to their liking.... Changing them to fit." Jack thought about this, taking a seat. "Popcorn dudes! Get your corn dogs!" A vendor walking around would say. Jack waved him over for some corn dogs and it happened again, Chase was dressed as a carney, handing out food. "I'll take two." Paying him a couple of bucks and grabbing 2 dogs.

"Chase is a carney. I wonder who else I'll find besides Marvin." The show lights turned on the middle stage, as an announcer would present the next act, Marvin the magician. A puff of smoke appeared out of nowhere, but there was no one there. "Up here!" A voice called, using magic, he floated his way down, and more smoke as his assistant appeared beside him, a man with a bow tie and mustache, Jameson, but there was something off about him..
He had no mouth.

To be continued...... (JJ's World Part 2 with Marvin's World Part 1)

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