It's a Bad, Bad World (Anti's World Part 1)

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You can see the obvious references with the title. Bonus points for all the references put in the comments! ^^

Jack actually landed safely this time, on the ground, without any harm brought to him. The amulet lit up the dark area he was in now. He took this moment to recollect everything he had been through. "I've been through Robbie's, Schneep's, JJ's, Marvin's, Chase's, and Jackie's worlds, got so many pieces-" When he looked at the amulet, it was just missing one piece. "Holy shite! I'm just missing one piece! It has to be here... With... him..." Jack stated. Gulping in fear and shaking. He knew where he was, and scared of what he would face.

Right now, he was in a dark and eerie forest, perfect right now. (sarcasm) He couldn't stop shaking and shivering, it was cold, dark and a part of Anti's world. "I need to move before I'm caught or worse." He started to move, making a wrong move of stepping on a dead branch. "CRONCH" The entire forest seemed to come alive from that one sound, as all sorts of different colored eyes stared at him from the dark, red, yellow, orange, blue, you name it.

Jack made another mistake, by turning around, and all the creatures jumped out to attack him, we're talking, werewolves, vampires, ghouls, all the works jumped out, bearing fangs, clawing and biting. Jack of course, jumped and weaved and dodged to best of his ability, getting hurt by nature and close calls. He ran further into the forest, catching his breath until more creatures caught scent of him meaning, he couldn't stay in that spot for long either.

"Aw bollocks! Give me..... a...break... already!" Jack panted, stumbling out of the forest, barely before falling in front of a giant castle, a giant black bricked castle, with green flame torches outside. And we are talking REALLY big. Going up to the door, Jack was TINY, and the door towered many feet above him. "The door is huge! I'm not feeling any better about this..." Jack slipped through the tiny crack in the door, entering the castle.

It was decorated to Anti's likeness alright, portraits of him were all over the walls, a throne with his accents was in the middle of the room, and it was gigantic as well. Giant black pillars were on the sides of the room. And worse of all, bones of all sorts were scattered all over the room, with blood splatters as well. Jack gulped again, looking around, it was like a king's graveyard. It only got worse when the castle seemed to shake.

Jack didn't hesitate, hiding behind one of the pillars, he was not about to be found by Anti. And he was happy he didn't, the thumps got closer until he could see a giant black object in his view. The thumps stopped. "It's time." A voice would say, sitting on the throne he waited, giving a loud roar the entire castle shook. Jack was frozen stiff at the roar and then, screams were heard from everywhere, as the entity on the throne, Anti himself, laughed and laughed.

To be continued......

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