A Plan (Anti's World Part 4)

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Jack had gone into another room, freezing at the sight. He was in the room with all the Jacks trapped, mindless and screaming in fear. "It's... me." Jack had looked on in horror at the trapped Jacks, walking past himself over and over and over again. But looking at them, an idea forms in his head. It wasn't a good idea but was one. He hides the pieces under his clothing, fixing himself and going into the closest cell and hiding amongst the Jacks. "I'm so insane for this. But if it gets me close to Anti, then I have to do it." The other Jacks would swarm him, looking at him.

Meanwhile, the group had searched Anti's room as much as they could since they were so small, and Anti's things were huge. "I shouldn't have spoken out like that..." Chase told. "Duh! He was our one shot to take him down! Now we're going to be stuck serving a tyrant for the rest of our lives!" Marvin exclaimed, getting tazed for his volume. "If we even live that long. We have to find that Jack, Anti's orders. Or else we're-" "Don't even." Jackie interrupted. "We may as well give up and just surrender, there's no way we are going to find him. And we may as well just be eaten. We can't fight Anti so there's no point."

The group fell silent at Jackie's words, once a beacon of positivity, drained and made a shell of himself from Anti's twisted ways. Then to make it worse, Anti roared for them again. He was hungry for his next meal. They fell in line, going into the Jack room, grabbing the closest cell. Our Jack had seen the group grabbing the cell. "Guys! It's me!" Jack whispered. They dropped the cell, looking at him. "Are you nuts?! You're going to get eaten! How are you going to free us?" Chase exclaimed. "All I have to do is, before I'm eaten, hop onto his head, and pull that piece off. Then everything will be fine." Jack explained. He knew it was super risky, but it was his only shot. Who knows what would have happened if Anti found him instead?  

"WHERE IS MY MEAL MINIONS?!" Anti's voice boomed through the castle, he was getting really hungry at his new size and his meal should have been ready by now. With that, the group had nodded at Jack, hoping his plan would work. They brought out the cage right at Anti's gigantic feet. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!" Anti roared, grabbing the cage. "These Jacks were rowdy like the last bunch, we had to get them ready for you." Schneep told. The others hid behind him, fearing again for their lives. Anti brought the cage up to his face, seeing all the rowdy Jacks squirm, scream and fight. Our Jack was acting like the rest of them, blending in perfectly.

"Good. Another good batch. You all are doing well. I take it still no sign of that rebel Jack?" Anti asked, opening the cell. The group shook their heads, looking away, saying no. "No sign of him yet." Marvin said nervously. "I think I made it up." Chase told. Anti didn't care, he was starving. Dumping the Jacks into his mouth to swallow and consume. 

Except, a Jack landed on his nose.

Instant silence happened across the throne room.

Then laughter.

The group was laughing at him. There was a Jack on his nose, climbing Anti's face, and they were laughing at Anti. Anti growled, following the Jack with his eyes until he couldn't see him. Our Jack was making his way through the forest that was Anti's hair to reach the piece. "Almost.... there.... C'mon..." Jack heaved and wheezed. He was terrified of heights and was on his arch enemy's head. Reaching the piece, he touched it with his hands and was blown off, hitting the wall. Anti smirked, when the piece did its job. "There you are~" He stood up, growing even bigger in size, his eyes never left the tiny person on the ground, in front of his feet. Jack had woken up to a black hole, below him before realizing what was going on. He screamed as he was dropped into the darkness, he was eaten. Anti laughed as he swallowed him down.

To be continued......

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