The Trouble on Floor A (Schneep's World Part 2)

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Jack was introduced to a dark floor with a weird green mist everywhere, making it hard to breathe. Jack would be wheezing and coughing, seeing only a green light in the middle of the area. Going towards it, it only got heavier and more dense, Jack was in terrible shape, but he was so close. What could possibly be on this floor? Getting right up close to the green object, he almost blacked out again but was saved as the fog seemed to be absent from this area.

Looking at the green thing, Jack recognized it immediately, it was a machine with some sort of green liquid inside, a septic tank and something... SOMEONE was inside of it. Wiping the glass, Jack backed away in fright. A man with black clothing was inside, hooked up to all sorts of plugs and machinery, his eyes were closed and he even had a heavy mask on his face, he seemed to be stuck in a statis-like state.

Oh but of course, Jack's piece shined a green light at the lifeless body in the tank since it reacted to his characters. Its eyes would snap open, starting to thrash around but locked in place, bubbles would form from his muffled growling as he continued to thrash wildly. BANG. It slammed its head into the tank, intent on getting out. Jack didn't know how or why it just suddenly woke up but he was frozen on the ground, only watching this thing bang its head against the glass, the tank started to crack slowly but surely.

Jack's eyes widen at the sight as with each bang, the crack grew, green liquid starting to drip out from the crack. An alarm would sound as it was almost free. Doctors swarmed the floor, sedatives in hand, ready to stop this thing. The sound of shattering got everyone to jump as the creature fell out of the tank, all the machinery broke off once he freed himself. The fog in the area got intense and visible as all the doctors started to feel woozy, coughing blood into their masks.

It stood up, eyeing them all, but it's sickly green eyes fell on one specific person....
It growled seeing him on the ground, and sure, he wasn't in the doctor uniform but the fact that he LOOKED exactly like the doctor pissed him off. "I'm.... going... to... kill.... you.... you'll... pay.... for... what you... did ... to... me...." With each word, green mist escaped from his mouth, and with each step the doctors went frantic. Some tried to use their sedatives to stun him but none worked, he would just slowly walk past, the sedatives stuck into his arms and neck, having no effect. The doctors would all fall on the ground, blood covered their masks.

Jack had seen this all happen, and realized it was targeting him, he got up and ran. Causing the thing to smile. "Run.....away..... little..... doctor. I'll....find.... you." He stopped following Jack, punching a box all the way in the back of the floor, the hall lights flickered and turned off, leaving darkness and a screech of unholiness to accompany it.

To be continued......

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