Rebellion (Anti's World Final Part)

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The name of the song is "Revolution" but you know it's the same thing as rebellion. Points to who can identify where this was heard from. It was from an old Cartoon Network show but here's finally the last part of Anti's World!

Jack had been swallowed by Anti and was rushing down his throat into his gigantic stomach, full of bubbling acid. With quick thinking before he landed with a splash, Jack held the pieces in his hand, wishing to be protected. Jack floated on top of the acid in a green bubble, the acid gurgling and bubbling at his feet. He was saved in the nick of time. But, as he stood in that bubble, the acid bubbling around him gurgled loudly as the bubble wasn't digesting and rose it up. 

Meanwhile, on the outside, the group who had watched Anti swallow their only hope came forward. Chase again, blurted out everything. "We knew about that Jack! He was hiding in the others so he could finally end this, and we wanted him to until you ate him! And now we're going to die like him!" Anti snarled at this, grabbing them in his hand, his eyes turning that famous black. "You think I'm going to eat you? No... You don't deserve that... Instead." He simply tightened his grip on them, hearing them scream, small blood splatters on his hand as he smiles. 

"I'm going to flatten you all like the BUGS YOU ARE-" He stopped as his stomach rumbled and gurgled loudly to everyone's ears. He turned a different shade of green as he let go of the group, covering his mouth. "Run for it!" The group had stumbled over to one of the pillars in the room, peeking out. A loud HORK could be heard before puking could be heard. A large puddle of green fluid leaked from the side of the throne as Anti bent over on it. Jack, on the puddle, held himself back from vomiting and the bubble floated him along back to the Jack room.  The group would approach their leader and notice the stream of green. They snuck by him and followed it.

Jack's bubble popped in front of the group and all the Jacks as they cheered. Jack had looked around, being hugged by his egos and getting an entire room of cheers from himself. Another idea came into his head. "I just survived Anti's clutches, now I need all of your help to overthrow that green menace! I got the power, and you will be my army! It's time to take down the king, once and for all!" Jack yelled, raising the pendant in the air, he opened all the cells as all the Jacks came rushing out, they were glowing green as well for some reason. He walked out in front of the Jacks and his egos as they followed him.

Anti got his bearings after a bit, shrinking in size a bit, getting back up. He stared down a field of grass in front of him. But it wasn't grass, it was the Jacks, and he spied a small group ahead of him. "Oh, look who it is... A field of grass and its leaders... Are you standing up to me? Even though I'm much bigger and more powerful than you?" Anti boasted and laughed. "I would like to see you try." "CHARGE!" Jack yelled. Like a storm, all the Jacks rushed at Anti, climbing him, biting, punching, being distracting to him. "Get off you insects!" Anti waved them off, slapping a few, flicking them, he was doing everything he could. (Think about the Malachite fight in Super Watermelon Island in Steven Universe)

Jack's egos were also among them, poking and prodding his face, and punching his eyes. "Ah!" Anti continued to try and get them all off as our Jack climbed from behind, going through the hair once more. Now with the pendant this time, he pulled with all his might, and then the entire room was engulfed in a bright green light and Jack had passed out yet again.

To be continued in the final part of the story...  

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