In a world- (Jackie's World Part 1)

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Jack screamed as he was falling through the air above a night city, with lights and sounds. "Gotcha!" A whoosh was heard as he was caught in midair and safely on the ground. "Are you okay fair citizen, you were dropping out of the sky quickly! I had to act fast to save you! You weren't trying to do some suicide attempt were you?" (reference) He spoke. "Yeah, I just wasn't expecting..." Jack paused as he looked at his savior, a man in a red suit, muscles, gadgets all over his body, and a blue cape. Before he could speak, a gadget on his wrist was flashing and beeping. "I wish I could stay and chat, but there's hero work to do! Jackieboyman away!" He flew up into the sky, leaving Jack alone with many questions. 

"Jackie? He can fly?! I must be in his world, he made himself a real hero with real powers... And this city. So where can I find everyone else? Are they civilians or heroes like him? I have to take a look." Jack told to himself. Jack took a walk down the street, seeing plenty of banks, jewelry stores, the usual hero chicle buildings. "Magazines, get updated on your heroes at every point of the day!" a man yelled, he approached Jack, handing him a magazine. "Here young man, take one on the house." He spoke. Jack took it and made eye contact with Chase; he was handing out the magazines. "Chase?!" He went and covered his mouth. "Hey, not so loud, we have to keep a low profile and hide who we are, okay? You must have just moved in because we keep secret identities here secret, okay?" Chase told. Just then, a familiar beeping noise could be heard. 

"Already? He called so we have to answer." Jack was confused as Chase stepped away from him. Chase had spun around, changing into a hero like Jackie, using one of his pistols to swing his way across the city. Jack followed, he still had no clue where the piece he needs is and if Chase was meeting up with everyone, it was a lead. On the way, Jack could see Marvin floating across the city as he walked along, and saw Chase, going from building to building. It seems they were meeting up at a building. Chase and Marvin entered the building, and it closed behind them. "How am I supposed to get in?" Jack would be on the other side of the building, leaning against it. The amulet glowed, letting him pass through the wall, he was in. "I really need to figure this thing out." "Alright, I called this meeting to order." Jackie's voice responded. "I'm close." Jack had followed the voices from a distance and stopped right outside.

"My senses have been going wild since yesterday, I have a feeling, he will strike again. And we need to be ready this time." Jackie had told, he was the leader of the rest of the heroes there. "Okay, so what's the plan then, we go head in like last time? Great idea..." Chase said, sarcastically. "It didn't work last time, it won't again. Also, how are you so sure he will attack again? We don't know of his attack pattern; he comes and goes." Marvin stated. Just then, the lights flickered in the building.

"Nope. He's here." Everyone walked out slowly and dramatic as the lights continued to flicker.  To be continued.........

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