1 - District 11

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At the beginning the script does start very similar to the hunger games but does eventually deviate and become its own thing.


[Text appears on the screen]

"From the treaty of Treason:

In penance for the uprising, each district shall offer up a male and female between the ages of 12 and 18 at a public "Reaping".

These Tributes shall be delivered to the custody of The Capitol.

And then transferred to a public arena where they will fight to the death until a lone victor remains.

Henceforth and forevermore, the pageant shall be known as:

The Hunger Games"

There was a collective hitch of breath from the entire group of Avengers when they read what was on the screen in front of them.

If this is the introduction, they assume - correctly - that their Blake was involved in these games. And without even seeing it happen in front of them (yet), the entire concept is barbaric and horrifying.

They are finally realising the reason that Blake has never talked about her life before coming to Earth.

[Scene changes to Seneca Crane and Caesar Flickerman sitting on white seats in the auditorium of The Capitol; Caesar is interviewing Seneca.]

Seneca: I think it's our tradition. It comes out of a particularly painful part of our history.

Caesar: Yes, yes.

Despite the shock of hearing about the 'Hunger Games' for the first time just moments ago, they were shocked to see what these two men looked like. Completely over the top and excentric, they would stick out like a sore thumb if they were on Earth. However, they don't question it, knowing this wasn't on Earth and probably just normal for people on Panem.

Seneca: But it's been the way we've been able to heal. First, it was a reminder of the rebellion. It was a price the districts had to pay. But I think it has grown from that. I think it's uh- something that knits us all together.

The Avengers were once again in a state of shock. How can someone think putting children into a murder game is considered a growing experience for a nation to bring them all together.

[The audience applauses]

Caesar: This is going to be your first year as Gamemaker. What are you going to do to define your signature?

[Seneca takes a breath in, but before he can speak, the scene changes to District 11. A landscape of large fields and farms with small huts spaced out amongst them, the air visibly moving from the heat.]

Blake frowns; despite the poor environment and dangerous situations she was constantly put into, she missed it. Her family, her friends, and the sense of community among the members of District 11. The last time she saw her home was the reaping for the 75th Hunger Games. If she went back now, there wouldn't be anything left, her family, her friends, it would all just be a pile of rubble.

["DISTRICT 11" is written in the bottom right corner.]

[A loud female scream is heard.]

Luna Blake: NO! NOO!

[Blake, her sister, soothes her]

Vivienne Blake: Shh, shhh.

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