3 - The Train

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[Viv and Bradley walk together towards the train, Viv holding her arm over the shoulder of the crying 12-year-old.]

Iris: Crystal chandeliers. Platinum doughnuts. 200 miles per hour, and you can barely feel a thing.

Blake quietly scoffed at the screen. She hated that train with a deep passion.

Everyone else was in awe of how fancy the train is compared to District 11. They also realise this is caused by Panem's power and economic imbalance.

[Viv looks around the train in disgust while Bradley looks around in wonder.]

Iris: I think it's one of the wonderful things about this opportunity that even though you're here and even though it's just for a little while.

[Iris stops throwing her hands up to show everything off.]

Iris: You get to enjoy all of this.

[Instead of responding, Viv walks past Iris to sit down, and Bradley quickly follows her like a lost lamb.]

[Iris looks at the two tributes before turning around to see Seeder watching over them.]

Seeder: Hey guys, I'm Seeder. I'm going to be your mentor. We can discuss something later, but I suggest you two rest for now.

[Both Viv and Bradley nod]

Seeder: Okay, I'll show you to your rooms and gather you later for dinner. We can discuss then.

[The scene changes to show Viv lying on a queen-sized bed, watching a TV with the Hunger Games pre-shows where they are showing highlights of previous games.]

Caesar: We have two... 16 year olds.

[The screen shows two young boys fighting against each other in a fistfight.]

This is the first glimpse of the actual Hunger Games the group has seen, and they are already shocked by the violence. And are even more shocked by how normal it is – the presenters acting like nothing is wrong with what is on screen.

Claudius Templesmith: Yes.

Ceasar: Do you remember this year?

Claudius: Aww. One of my favourite years.

Ceasar: And one of my favourite arenas.

Claudius: The use of the rubble, the ruined city.

"Are the arenas different each year?" Clint asked.

"Yeah. They had to make it entertaining. This was pretty much reality TV for them; if the arena was the same every year, people would get bored."

Steve decided to speak up this time, "What was your arena like?"

Blake freezes momentarily as flashbacks of her time in that arena flash through her eyes, only being brought back when she feels Natasha squeezing her shoulder.

"Umm, you'll see during this, but for a heads up, it was known for being a very creative arena. It was full of traps and was difficult to navigate. It was the gamemaker's first map, so he wanted to go big and make a name for himself."

This response made everyone frown. They knew they'd have to battle other people but were unaware that the arena would be trying to hurt them.

At that moment, they realised that people made careers based around creating arenas to kill children. The thought made them sick to the stomach.

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