10 - Take the Heat

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[We see Viv and Brad walking through a cave.]

[Occasionally, Viv glances over at the boy, ensuring he is okay.]

[A close-up of Viv's mouth is shown where we can see her breath, making it clear how cold it is.]

It's commonly known among the Avengers that Blake hated the cold. And now they couldn't help but wonder if this was the reason.

However, Blake didn't like it because she associated winter with struggling and starving. Whenever winter fell over District 11, the working part of their District stopped as there was no way to grow anything. That meant they didn't get any money from the Capitol. Pausing their economy. Winter made people desperate. Crime increased. People were starving to death. She hated the cold because it reminded her of the hardest parts of her everyday life.

[Remembering the beanie on her head, she removes it and puts it onto Bradley's head, ensuring it covers his ears.]

[A few moments later, they once again enter a large open cave area.]

[CAVE DESCRIPTION: A large, cavernous expanse surrounded by perpetual darkness.]

[Viv turns on the torch, which dimly lights the area; she goes to turn around; however, the cave the duo had come from collapses in on itself.]

[Viv pulls Bradley into her to keep him close in case something happens.]

[She turns back around again and starts to move forward when the floor starts falling in on itself, leaving a small, narrow path barely wide enough for a single foot to stand there – smaller than a balance beam.]

[Less than a second later, light slowly starts glowing from the holes.]

[Viv goes closer to investigate, and her eyes widen when she sees what's happening.]

Viv: [Panicked] We need to move.

[The camera pans to show what's filling the gaps. Bubbling, orange and red, firey lava quickly fills the holes, burning the duo to a crisp if they don't get out.]

Now, the Avengers can see what Blake is panicking about on screen. Their heartbeats all collectively increased. From the context of Blake being alive, they assume Brad dies in the Arena. They just don't know when, and the thought alone is unsettling.

They have seen how attached Blake grew to the small boy and know his death will break her. They were dreading the moment it happened.

Brad: [Equally as panicked] Why, what's happening?

Viv: It's okay. We just have to balance these quickly, and we will be okay.

[Brad nods, but the fear still shows in his eyes.]

Viv: Everything will be fine; just take it slow and go across. Do you wanna go first or second?

Brad: First, please.

Viv: Okay. That's fine. I will wait for you to get across, but we need to move quickly.

[Brad cautiously steps onto the path and slowly shifts his feet along the path.]

Viv: You're doing great.

[Brad suddenly weavers, causing Viv's eye to go wide and prepare to run out to grab him.]

[That doesn't happen; Brad recovers and continues down to the other end.]

The Avengers let out a breath of relief. They really didn't want the boy to die, especially so painfully.

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