14 - The Fall

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[The scene starts in the gamemakers' room, where they are all discussing and deciding on different ideas.]

Gamemaker 3: There are only 4 left. We need to bring them all together. Time to initiate the final battle.

Gamemaker 5: Shift the caves and direct them all back to the cornucopia.

[The screen zooms over the holographic map of the arena, and we watch as the caves move so that they direct the 4 remaining tributes towards the cornucopia.]

Seneca: Create an obstacle for each tribute before reaching the centre.

Gamemaker 1: District 1 tributes - have the fire tunnels ready.

[The screen changes to both the District 1 tributes walking along a tunnel, joking around until they both start sweating.]

[They turn around and notice fire at the end of the cave coming from behind them.]

[Both tributes start running as the fire chases them down.]

[The male tribute trips over the uneven surface of the cave, causing him to fall and scream as the fire burns him alive with an agonising scream.]

[The female District 1 tribute gets away.]

Blake had described the process to Peter earlier, but none of them expected how cruel they could be when making traps on the spot. They were also shocked to see how many people were directly involved in the games. How many people - adults - are directly involved in actively trying to kill these children that they have trapped in this arena.

[The screen changes back to the gamemaker's room.]

Seneca: Let me see the Mutt design.

[Gamemaker 4 pushes forward a holographic design of an evil-looking bat into the middle of the room for all to see.]

Seneca: Good, put them with the tribute from 5.

[The screen changes to the male tribute from District 5, who is currently asleep.]

[The screen pans up to reveal hundreds of bats that are hanging from the roof of the caves.]

Everyone was shocked. They seemingly just created these creatures from absolutely nothing and were just able to put them into the arena. This technology could have been used to help people, especially the poorer people in districts, but they used it to torture them instead. Panem is a fucked up place; it was the only conclusion everyone made.

[The tribute wakes up and looks around before he looks up.]

[His eyes widen, and he slowly starts moving, trying not to make a noise.]

[His foot suddenly slips on a wet rock, causing him to freeze.]

[Suddenly, the bats start moving and flying aggressively towards him.]

[He sprints in the opposite direction. We don't see if he got out or not.]

[The scene changes back to the gamemaker's room.]

Gamemaker 4: What about the tribute from 11?

[Seneca pauses for a moment, thinking as the camera zooms in on his face, but just as he is about to talk, the screen shows a close-up of Viv's face instead.]

[Her eyes are red from crying, her jaw clenched, and dried tears clearly stained onto her face. Her face was completely blank of emotions.]

Everyone tenses, seeing her face. Blake had just lost someone she cared deeply for, yet she couldn't escape this endless nightmare.

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