15 - The Final Battle

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[Having recomposed herself, Viv now stands up, weapons in hand, and continues her journey forward.]

Everyone in the room waits in anticipation. The end was nearing. They could all feel it; they just didn't know how it would go. They knew Blake would win the games in the end, but what happens to get there.

They were also terrified to see how this all would affect Blake; they saw her reaction to her first kill and her reaction to Brad's death. Whatever happens next, they knew it would break her even more than it already had.

"Are you gonna be okay to watch the last part?" Natasha questions her fiancé.

Blake hesitates for a moment; however, she nods in response, resting her head on Natasha's shoulder.

[The scene changes, switching between the three remaining tributes, who are all moving quickly through the tunnels.]

[After a while, all three tributes end up back at the cornucopia, all their eyes widening when they realise what's happening.]

[The group of three stands in a triangle, all at the far points of the room.]

[Everyone reaches for their weapons.]

[The district one tribute grabs a sword, a smirk on her face as she swings the sword in her hand.]

The Avengers frowned at the girl on screen, "Why is she smirking like that? She looks far too happy." Rhodey questioned.

Blake sighed, "She is from District 1, which is one of the 'career districts' along with District 2 and sometimes 4. They are trained in combat and survival skills from a very young age, and when they turn 18, they volunteer for the games; they see entering the games as a privilege, not a punishment."

"Didn't you tell me it's against the law to train?" Natasha questioned her fiancé.

"Yeah, it is, but the Capitol just turns a blind eye because they have a close relation to those districts. They have the most victors out of anyone. And when they win, they're the perfect faces for the Capitol. They do whatever Snow wants them to do, no questions asked."

"That's so wrong," Sam mutters, and everyone agrees.

"It is. It makes it easier for people to bet also since those normally win."

"You said sometimes 4? What does that mean?" Wanda asked, having thought through Blake's words and her curiosity was getting the better of her.

"They were once a career district; however, over time, they stopped because they were against Capitol treatment, so people stopped volunteering."

This whole thing made everyone uncomfortable. They assumed everyone entering the arena would have at least a chance at winning. However, knowing at least 4 of the tributes entering the arenas had been trained their whole lives to enter the games disgusted them.

[The screen now displays the remaining District 5 tribute; she grips tightly onto his axe, and he looks visibly scared.]

[Finally, we see Blake emotionless. She detaches the scythe from her belt. And holds it defensively. Her eyes scanned the area.]

Yelena had a lot of curiosity about this situation. The only time she had met Blake was when they met, taking down the Red Room. During that time, they had gotten along great, but it also meant she didn't know anything that happened to Blake in her past. Throughout this, she had so many questions – everyone did – but didn't want to ask, but her patience was wearing thin.

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