Episode 1.1 - The Victor's Return

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[The screen shows a close-up of Vivienne Blake's face. Passed out on a hospital bed with an oxygen mask over her mouth.]

[Her skin is pale. Dark bags are prominent under her eyes. She looks lifeless, comparable to a corpse.]

[There are cuts, gashes and bruises covering her face.]

V.O. Viv: After winning the Hunger Games, they promised a lot of things.

[Soon, a hand appears on the screen, applying a mysterious white cream across Vivienne's entire face. A burning and hissing sound can be heard as the cream contacts the skin.]

No one knows what's happening on screen, but the sound alone makes them wince and furrow their eyebrows.

"What the hell is that stuff doing?" Tony asks.

Blake doesn't reply and just shrugs her shoulders, leaving Tony to pout.

V.O. Viv: They promise you riches.

[After a moment of resting, the hand comes back and wipes off the cream, leaving Viv without any sign of being hurt.]

V.O. Viv: They promised you safety.

[The camera starts zooming out of her face, slowly starting to show the rest of her body.]

V.O. Viv: They promised that you can live in peace.

[We now see Viv's whole body. Two nurses working on each side applying and wiping off the cream, removing any imperfections.]

[We see several wires connecting to her body, all intended to hydrate and provide nutrition, as she looks almost like a skeleton and her skin unhealthily pale from the lack of sunlight.]

Everyone frowns at the screen. Seeing how Blake looks, it's clearer to see how badly the arena affected her body now that she is in bright lighting. She looks almost like a corpse.

However, no one was more upset at the sight than Natasha. She hates seeing the love of her life looking like this. It scared her.

V.O. Viv: But I should have known better.

[Slowly, Viv starts to look better and better until she looks completely normal. One wouldn't be able to tell she had entered the Hunger Games Arena. In fact, she looks even better than when she had originally entered.]

Eyes are wide at the sight.

"What the hell?!" Bruce exclaimed, "How is that even possible? It's a medical miracle!"

Despite the dislike of remembering this time in her life, Blake can't help but chuckle at their reactions.

"Panem was a very advanced planet. You just wouldn't know it because the Capitol kept it from the districts. You saw how high-tech the arena was." Blake responded.

"Man, if they used that tech properly, they could be such a powerful planet," Scott says in disbelief, earning a lot of nods of agreement.

V.O. Viv: Because the Hunger Games don't end when you leave the arena.

[Slowly, Viv's eyes open; when she does, she doesn't move. Instead, she just stares above her. Her face holds no emotions, and her eyes are entirely dull.]

V.O. Viv: In fact, the arena was the easy part because the Capitol could never allow us to be free.

Everyone is confused by the voice-over. No one fully understands what it means. Surely, now she won the games, Viv should be allowed to live in peace. She should be allowed to live how the Capitol had promised.

Despite their confusion, no one commented on it, assuming what Blake had said would be explained in the series and remaining movies. They just hoped it doesn't get much worse for her.

[The scene changes to Seeder entering the hospital room and slowly walking towards Viv's hospital bed.]

Seeder: [Whispers] Hey.

[Viv doesn't respond; she doesn't even acknowledge Seeder; she just continues to stare at the ceiling.]

[Seeder takes the hint and doesn't say anything; instead, she runs her fingers through Viv's hair.]

Viv smiles at the screen. She misses Seeder. Her mother was still alive when they met, but she hadn't been the same since their dad died. She hated to admit it, but Viv had lost both parents the day he died, and she was just happy to feel any type of motherly love again.


[The scene changes to later in the day. Seeder and Viv are now sitting together on a sofa in the room where Viv stayed before the games.]

[Viv still has a dead look in her eye. However, she is more responsive than before, very slowly getting over the shock.]

Seeder: I know this isn't what you want, but things are going to happen, and you have no choice.

[Viv's eyes move to make eye contact with Seeder. Seeder's breath hitches when she sees how lifeless Viv's eyes are.]

Seeder: Tonight is going to be the final interview. They are going to show highlights of your games. They are going to show you videos of things you never wanted to even think about. And you are going to have to smile through it all.

Viv: [Whispers in a croaky voice] Why?

Seeder: Because you're a victor now. You are one of the faces people in the Capitol will look up to. I didn't want to tell you before the games. I never tell anyone, really, but now you've won...

[Seeder takes a deep breath and sighs.]

Seeder: [Whispers] You have a family. And if you don't want anything to happen to them, you have to be strong, have a smile on your face and do everything you can do to please President Snow and the people of the Capitol.

Everyone is more confused by this; what will happen to her family if she doesn't please Snow or the people of the Capitol? They dread to know what will happen if she doesn't follow through.

[Viv just stares at Seeder for a moment. No words were exchanged. Suddenly, Viv breaks out into a sob.]

Natasha holds onto Blake tightly, hating seeing her in this state. She wishes she could have been there to support her through this.


[Now approaching the interview, we see Viv dressed in an all-black dress, one resembling a raven with fake feathers attached to it.]

[Edgar circles her inspecting the outfit.]

Edgar: You look lovely, darling. I am so proud of you.

Viv: hmm.

Edgar: You know you are the first victor I have ever gotten to style. Really testing my design abilities.

[Viv just nods.]

Edgar: Right! You look beautiful! I'm going to leave you now. I'm going to head to the audience. Someone will be here to escort you to the stage when it's time.

[With that, Edgar is out of the door. However, turns back for a moment to say:]

Edgar: Congratulations again, Vivienne! You should be so proud!

[And this time he was gone.]

Viv: [Scoffs] Proud?

Everyone is in disbelief at him telling her he is proud. How could he be proud of someone for killing other people? How can he be so far away in his head to think that all of this is normal?

That the Hunger Games is normal. Nothing about this is normal.

They were honestly disgusted.

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