Part 1 |Road Trip|

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A/N- I know this story probably won't get a lot, if any, views since people don't typically like this movie... but I do, and Vincent is a comfort character of mine so here it is anyway :P
(Also I will not be recapping the movies prologue)

You and your friends Carly and Paige were on a trip to the "biggest game of the year" with their respective boyfriends Wade and Blake, as well as Carly's twin brother Nick and his strange friend Dalton. Your boyfriend was on the trip as well, but honestly you wish he wasn't. Jason was a bit overbearing sometimes, and extremely protective, especially when you were around Nick. You had been meaning to break it off with him for a while, but every time you wanted to or were about to do so, you got too scared.

The 8 of you had just made a stop at a quaint little restaurant to get some food and use the washroom since you still had a ways to go.

You walked to the counter, five dollar bill in hand, and ordered a (fav drink). The man at the counter obviously had no respect given by the crude comments he and his coworker were making about you and the other girls in your group, like how we're "no good" and that they "don't like our kind around here" 'Whatever' you thought as the man handed you your drink and your change. "Thanks" you said with a sarcastic smile, then walked off in the direction of Carly and Paige.

"God... look I always try to be nice to people, especially strangers, but some people just really get on my nerves" you sighed to the two as you took a seat next to Paige. "So, watcha' guys talkin' about?" You asked, genuinely curious. You assumed it was something to do with Carly moving to New York, and you were proven correct by Paige saying "I'm trying to convince Carly to go! I mean when I say it, don't even think about not going" "I'm not" Carly replied quickly, "good" Paige said, "because you know how proud I am of you" she added, "same here" you said, sounding way more convincing than Paige. "Guys, it's just an internship" Carly tried to push away the compliments, but that didn't stop you or Paige. "At InStyle Magazine" you and Paige said in unison, "or would you rather stay at the Waffle House as a waitress forever?" Paige added followed by a small snicker from you. "No, thanks" Carly replied with a laugh.

The three of you giggled at the thought when Wade came over and sat next to Carly. "Hey babe" he greeted, "hi" she greeted him back plainly. He could tell she was a bit upset at how long he had taken, "sorry, there were these two drunk red necks wrestling in the bathroom" he joked, "really?" Carly smiled, amused by this. "There's no red necks in New York" Paige remarked, "no. There's not" Wade said as he cleared his throat in annoyance. The three of you, not including Wade, exchanged knowing glances, then Paige spoke up first, "You know, I'm gonna go see what Blake's doing" she said as she stood up. "He seems to like that care more than you nowadays" you added slyly before she walked away, "ha ha, you're hilarious Y/N" "I am quite aware, but thank you" you smiled back at her. "Well, this has been fun" you said, looking back at Wade and Carly, "but I'm going to go... uh" you paused, not knowing what to do or say, "go count stars I guess" and without another word from you or the struggling couple, you stood up and walked out of the building.

(In this story Wade has a van instead of a car to fit the two extra people added to the story. Picture it as a VW van, like the one in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974)

You walked over to Wades van and laid down on the roof. You would've gone to the tail of Blakes truck, but you didn't need nor want to see whatever Paige and him could be doing at this moment, so Wades roof will have to do. The night sky was particularly beautiful that night as you stared into the stars. It was quiet, it was peaceful. At this very moment you thought that nothing could ever go wrong.

The peace was broken by Nick and Dalton walking out of the restaurant, beers in hand. Nick, being the shit disturber he is, kicked a cup of money out of a begging man's hands and straight up told him to "get a job" as Dalton laughed at the poor man. "That's nice" Wade sarcastically stated looking at the two as they went to sit with Carly and Wade.

    "So whatdya' think guys, gonna be a sweet game tomorrow huh" Wade said trying to make things less awkward. But after that you paid no mind, you didn't care about the game, and you didn't care what they were talking about. All you wanted to do was watch the stars. Until you and the group headed back on the road of course.

Word count: 800+

So that's that chapter basically just a build up chapter :P

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