Part 14 |Love Me Not|

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Another gunshot rang out, it must've been toward Carly and Nick since it sounded quieter. I looked over my shoulder, Bo had a decision to make. "I'll come back for you later," he sneered, "I know you won't leave your friends." Then he started to chase them.

TW: a wee bit of abuse... but I mean, the last chapters were similar so yeah
    I ran to the church, stopping there for a minute to catch my breath and make sure Carly and Nick weren't dead on the streets. They weren't so I took my little breather, still being cautious of my surroundings. I knew Bo was chasing the twins, but Vincent could be anywhere.

   "Y/N?" The voice startled me. It was Jason. "What the hell are you doing out here all alone?" He asked. "Looking for you... actually," I sighed. Part of me would rather deal with the psychopath murderers than this asshole. "Oh, well, I was lookin' for you too baby," he elongated that last word. Gross. It wasn't hard to tell when he'd been drinking, clearly he was gonna be no help. "God Jason! Can you take anything seriously!?" I yelled, even though I knew I should be quiet, "there are to fucking murderers running around and trying to kill us, okay?" He just laughed, "nothing funny about this Jay, I'm serious, and I'm freaking out, and I'm really scared right now, and you're not helping," I ranted. "Oh calm down (nickname)," this was why I hated him, "you're an insensitive prick, you know that," I was still yelling. "And you're sooo sensitive. You're a weird freak of nature..." he paused, "honestly Y/N, you need to grow the fuck up." It stung, it really really stung. And he knew it. He always new how to hit me where it hurt, and he loved it. "I bet there aren't any murderers, as you say. I bet you were just sleepin' around, cheating on me with some guy..." "we're not together! Can't you get that through your thick skull? I don't like you Jason, you hurt me, and continue to hurt me, and I don't need that in my life." I knew he wasn't listening, just nitpicking at certain words, "you'll always need me," he said.

    I hadn't noticed how close he had gotten to me until I backed up into the side wall of the church. "Come on (nickname), you love me," he stated, reaching out and touching my face. I pulled away, but he caught me face. "You love me," he repeated. I tried to slide away but he pushed his hand on the wall, blocking me in between him and it. "Say it... say you love me," he cooed, "don't do this right now," I pushed him, but he barley moved on inch. "Get off of me, please," I pushed him again, and there was barley a stumble. He moved his lips to mine, but I turned at the last second. He kissed my cheek, and just kept kissing down my next, "get off me," I yelled as a truck pulled up, "I said get off!" I pushed him as hard as I could, and he slightly stumbled back, most likely do to the alcohol in his system.

    Just then, the truck practically skid to a stop and Vincent step out of it. Jason turned to look see who it was, "this the freak you been seeing," his words were slurred, not seeing the knife gleaming in Vincent's hand. "Yeah? You wanna go buddy?" Jason taunted. Vincent was going to kill him if I didn't step in, part of me wanted to let him, but the other part knew I'd feel too guilty. "Jason, don't!" I ran in between the two, "Vincent, you don't have to do this." "Yea Vincent, sheiks mine," he placed his arm around my shoulders making me flinch. This clearly pissed Vincent off, I only needed to see his eyes, they were a dead give away for what he was thinking. I shrugged off his arm, "Vincent, please don't." Jason kept trying to touch me and hold me, and I finally snapped, smacking his hand away, "fucking quite it!" I shouted. He hit me, right across the face, "don't ever..." he was cut of in an instant when Vincent charged at him, stabbing him right in the gut. "Oh my god," I said in shock, "what did you do?"

    Somehow Jason had enough strength to tackle Vincent, so he did, which made Vincent drop the knife. Jason was only able to land one punch on his face when Vincent flipped them over. He looked up at me, pointing to the truck, and grunted. It was so animalistic, but I knew he wanted me to get in and not watch what he was about to do. I don't know why but I listened, I went into the truck... but I watched.

    Punch after punch, Vincent pummelled his face. Blood flew all around, effectively covering Vincent's knuckles in his blood. Vincent stopped for a moment, looking at his work, almost admire it as Jason coughed up his own blood and spat out a couple teeth. It was horrifying. Vincent grabbed the knife to finish him off. He stabbed it right into his throat. I looked away.

    A couple minutes later Vincent got in the truck. I sat still, no looking at him, tears falling from my eyes. I don't even know how I had any left. Others might think I was crying because I was scared and sad at the loss of Jason's life in a brutal manner. But I was crying because I felt bad that I was glad he was gone from my life for good. Vincent placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, somehow he had cleaned his hands off pretty well in the time between him getting in the truck. I looked up at him with a small smile, a thank you of sorts, but don't get me wrong I was still deathly afraid of this man, and Bo.

    Looking at his face, or rather, his mask, I noticed a little scarp where a small chunk of wax had been taken out. I reached up, and he froze as I tried to fix the spot. He pulled his eyes away from me, and began to drive. When I realized we were going to the house, I started to panic again, if Bo saw me, he'd have my head.

Word count: 1000+

A/N- I am not romanticizing abuse!! I am not Colleen Hoover ok... but seriously I'm not, if anything I'm actively writing against it since Vincent brutally murders the abuser so yeah :P

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