Part 11 |Your Little Friend|

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I looked back at him, he gently placed his palm on my cheek while I still held his hand with my own. I don't know why, but this gave me a sense of warmth and comfort, so, I leaned into his touch. I closed my eyes and let the strange peace wash over. All seemed ok, until Bo ran back inside.

TW: uhh descriptive gore type stuff I guess- cuz Bo's a freak :)
    Vincent stood up, facing Bo, effectively blocking me. "Where the fuck is she!" Bo yelled at him. Vincent hesitate then looked down at me. Bo's eyes followed, and he saw me. In a panic I stood up, but I didn't run. I couldn't. So I cowered behind Vincent.

Bo looked furious, "you're coming with me," he rasped, storming over to us, "we gotta go get that little friend of yours." His smile was horrifying, it made my skin crawl. "Don't touch me!" I spat, trying to hide behind Vincent's large frame. But when Bo reached over, gripping my hair in his hands once again, Vincent barley moved. "No!" I repeatedly screamed as he pulled me toward to the door, "Vincent, please don't let him kill me," I cried, trying to hit that softer side I knew he had. But Vincent just stood there, not looking at me. Bo pressed his lips to my ear "He ain't gonna help you," he hissed with disturbing pleasure. And with that, we were outside.

"Come on," he pushed me forward, releasing his hold on my hair. I thought about running, but that thought was instantly snuffed out by the fact he would most definitely catch me, and he said, "don't even try running... or I'll cut your friend up and fucking feed her to you." He said with such bone chilling certainty. I swallowed my pride, and walked with him right behind me.

I was silent while we walked, sniffling here and there because of the tears I had shed. "You're awful quiet now," Bo spoke up, "what's that about," he hummed. "Huh, I wonder," I quickly snapped back. "Now she's got a mouth," he chuckled maliciously, so I quieted down.

We were at the church, which looked much creepier now due to the new dark and gloomy atmosphere of the small town. 'How can the people here not notice this... or worse, how can they be ok with it' I thought as we approached the concrete steps. "Look at me," Bo said dead pan as we stopped in front of the church. I reluctantly turned to look at him. "You're gonna sit on that step, and you're gonna wait there for me," it wasn't a question. He grabbed the back of my neck, putting his lips near my ear again, whispering in that horrifically low tone "and if you're not out here when I come back, I will find you, tie you down, and force yours eyes open while I peel the skin from your friends body." He let me go, staring at me, that same gross pleasure in his eyes. I was shaking as he watched me sit on the steps. "Good girl," he cooed, patting my head as he went into the church.

I sat there, feeling numb and emotionless. I was so scared, and so tired. There was nothing I could do. I know they won't spare us but, maybe I could somehow save us, but to do that we all need to be alive.

~~ moments later ~~

I heard Carly scream and it took everything in me not to move. Maybe it was selfishness or maybe it was fear, but I stayed seated and covered my ears.

I jumped when Carly burst out of the chapel in a full sprint. "Y/N?!" She looked at me in a frenzy, "Y/N, come on, we have to go!" She grabbed my arm, pulling me up from the steps, "no," I muttered, "I can't." Then Bo came running out of the church, and Carly bolted. "Stay right fucking there!" Bo yelled to which I sat down like a puppy being scolded.

I covered my ears again, but I couldn't keep watching Bo catch up to Carly, so I closed my eyes. Even while covering my ears I could hear Carly shriek, "Help! Help, please!" I couldn't help but look up. Bo was right on top of her, pinning her to the ground. "Help, please! Over here!" She screamed again... who was she talking to? That's when I saw the old lady in the window, and I decided to act.

I ran over, ignoring my gut instinct to not move a muscle. The dizziness wasn't as bad anymore, whatever Bo had given me was starting to ware off. I don't think I took enough of it for it to work as fully intended. "Help us!" She continued to yell up at the window, while I waved my arms around frantically trying to get the ladies attention. Maybe she was deaf? But the lady just closed the curtain. "Help!" Carly cried again. But it was no use. "What are you going to do to us?" Carly panted.

"Get off of her!" I hollered, trying to pull him off of her, but he was much bigger and much stronger. He elbowed me in the gut, knocking the wind out of me. I fell to be knees, desperately gasping for air. "What do I say, huh!" He yelled, picking Carly up and slinging her over his shoulder. He roughly grabbed my face with his one free hand, "What did I fucking say?!" If he wasn't angry before, he was now. He let go, opting to grab my wrist instead.

Word count: 900+

Bo is such a deranged character, but God if it isn't fun writing him!

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