Part 15 |Freak|

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I reached up, and he froze as I tried to fix the spot. He pulled his eyes away from me, and began to drive. When I realized we were going to the house, I started to panic again, if Bo saw me, he'd have my head.

He pulled up to the house, "no, no, I can't be here," I begged Vincent, "he'll kill me Vincent, please get me out of here." He got out of the car. No. Walked around to the passenger side. No. Opened the door. No. Took my hand in his, "I can't, Vincent you don't understand," he squeezed my hand gentily, telling me it would be ok, but there was no way it could be. Bo despised me, and I was - for lack of a better term - disgusted by him.

The door swung open, "hey!" Bo yelled, "you don't ever leave here without me. You know better than that. Don't be so stupid." He stopped yelling for a moment, noticing me clinging to Vincent's arm. Every fibre of my being was telling me to run. But that hasn't really worked, so, I stayed. I noticed he was covered in blood, hard to tell if it was his or someone else's, but guessing by his attitude and demeanour, it was his own. "What's the matter with you?" He scolded, "what? You got a little crush or something," he huffed, angrily walking back into the house.

Vincent eagerly lead you up into the house, he looked concerned about the blood riddled Bo. He closed the door behind us when we entered the eerie abode, leaving me by the door. He walked over to Bo, reaching for the broken arrow sticking out of Bo's chest, "don't," Vincent didn't listen, going for the arrow again, "I said don't" Bo swatted away Vincent's carful hands, "get! Go play with your little doll over there," all of Bo's harshly spat words made me flinch, I was ready for an attack at any moment. Vincent came over to me, his hands ghosting over my face, checking to see if I was alright. When he saw that I was ok, at least physically, he went back to the kitchen and searched the drawers. He pulled out a metal spoon, for whatever reason. "Fuckin' freak," I felt those words deeply for Vincent, I knew what it was like to be in a relationship much similar. "Don't call him that," I quietly gritted through my teeth, Vincent looked up at me from the toaster he was using to see his reflection. "What did you say?" Bo spoke with so much aggression, it was becoming clear that this was probably just his natural tone. "I said, don't call him that," this time I said it with much more confidence than I actually had. Vincent put down the toaster, quickly coming to my defence when he saw Bo limbering over to me.

    I readied myself for whatever painful thing Bo was going to put me through, but Vincent stood directly in front of me, hands held out to Bo in a 'stop' kind of motion, and shook his head. Bo scoffed once, then scoffed again, before walking back to the kitchen to down a bottle of orange juice.

    Feeling bold, I followed Vincent as he went back to the kitchen, curious as to what he was doing. He struck a mask and lit an old melted candle. Picking the toaster back up, and holding the spoon over the lit frame made me realize he was going to attempt to quickly fix his mask. I looked at himself in the toaster reflection and started smoothing over the rough area of clay. I still didn't know how he got it, but I assumed it was probably from his scuffle with Jason. (It's not...)

    Vincent looked sad. Bo's words clearly affected him. "Here," I offered, taking the spoon from his hand. He watched me as I held his masked face, turning it away slightly to better the the scratch. I did what he did, holding the spoon over the flame and reforming the spot, making a quiet sizzling sound. "Hey... towns looking real good. We're almost finished what mom started," Bo spoke as if I wasn't there. It was quite scary hearing his tonal shifts around Vincent. So manipulative. That's when it clicked in my head... mom... Bo was the second Sinclair brother."Those two are good. They'll fit perfect," 'who was he talking about? Carly and Nick?'  "What did I tell you, huh? Isn't your work more real now?" My hand faulted for a moment, slightly messing up the work I was doing on Vincent's mask. Bo was the reason Vincent was doing this... "ma would be proud. Yeah, she'd be real proud." I had to hold my tongue. This manipulative bastard was making Vincent an accomplice to murder. "She always said that your talent would make up for what God took from you," I was done fixing his mask to the best of my abilities, "and there's two more. We still got a lot of work to do." 'Wade and Dalton maybe? But what about Paige and Blake?' I placed down the spoon and blew out the candle.

    For all I knew, Carly and Nick were already dead.

    I turned around to look out the window, in the hopes I would see any one of my friends out there. Unfortunately my wish was answered when all I saw was Paige and Blake's mutilated corpses laying in the back of the truck I was sitting in moment ago. I through my hand up to my mouth, trying to cover my gagging. 'Was I the only one left?'

    Bo walked out of the kitchen, toward the window I was staring through. He noticed something at his feet, just sitting there in the carpet. It was a picture. It was hard to tell but it very much looked like conjoined twins. He exhaled heavily, looking around the house in a slight frenzy. Clearly that image wasn't there before. The pieces were starting to connect in my head. What God took from you. Part of Vincent's face was probably extremely scarred, or partially missing. That's why he wears that wax mask, he's afraid of what people would say about him.

Word count: 1000+

A/N- I think I have an issue... I like slashers and bad characters too much lmao. Like I absolutely adore Leatherface, like Tommy's my boy, and the Darkling from shadow and bone, and Ed Nygma from Gotham (tho I feel like that one's ok cuz he wasn't always bad, and was never fully a bad guy), and so much more... anywho, rant over.

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