Part 19 |Epilogue|

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This part is connected to Part A, not Part B!!

We hopped into a different truck, one I hadn't seen yet, and we were off, driving out some old unused backroad, straight out of town.

(Pov change)

    Vincent drove for hours while you took a much needed sleep. You didn't know where you were going, you didn't really care. You had a dreamless sleep, which you were happy about, you weren't sure what kind of dreams or nightmares you might have after a night like this. And you were right.

    Any night that you dreamt, you woke up in a could sweat, sometimes screaming while tears stained your tired face. But Vincent was always there to comfort you. To hold you close and lull you back to sleep.


    The night you left the town, you woke up in a bed. You panicked, not knowing how you got there. When you collected your thoughts, you saw Vincent, sleeping on a  pull out couch. Quietly you stepped out of bed, tip toeing around the small room. As you peered at the window, you realized you were at some kind of motel. Vincent had bought a room, and carried you in, not wanting to wake you.

    You two stayed there for a couple days before you suggested going to your place. You had called in sick to your job so you wouldn't get fired. But if you didn't want to lose your apartment, you would have to start working again real soon. You suggested to Vincent that the two of you go and stay at your place. He was hesitant at first, but after some kind and convincing words, he agreed.

    You packed up the very few belonging you had, turns out Vincent had grabbed your bag at some point between his house and getting in his truck. You were too out of it to notice at the time, but you were extremely great full.

    Your apartment was about a six hour drive from the motel, so you left before check out time to get to your house before it was too dark out.

    You drove the first four hours, while Vincent drove the last two. It was a nice drive, switching between desolate back roads and small towns. Until you got back to the city. You directed Vincent around, and were finally at your apartment. You had him park in a visitor spot since your car was still just sitting in your spot.

    Stepping into your apartment, you felt a rush of relief. Everything was exactly how you left it. It's familiarity made you feel whole.

    You and Vincent stayed in your place for the remainder of your lives. Though he never got used to leaving the house for work or to shop. You were able to get him out of the house for time to time. Halloween was his favourite, he could hide his face and not be made fun of for wearing a mask. It gave you such pure joy to see him grow and become more open yo going out in public. But if anyone stared at him with any kind of accusatory or hatful gaze, you were right there to stand up for him.

    You kept in contact with Nick and Carly, they weren't very sure at first, but slowly they got more comfortable around him and understanding his past actions. Or at least Carly did, Nick was still pretty mean about it, which was fair since Vincent killed his best friend.


    You lived happily, comfortably, despite the nightmares and traumas. You were happy.

Word count: 900+

A/N- ahhh thank you all so much for reading!!! This was so fun to write and I'm so happy people have liked it! Next I'll be writing a Tommy Hewitt / Leatherface story which I'm also super excited for :D

There will also be one more chapter after this, just talking about that weird dream I had that was definitely because of writing this story lol!

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