Part 10 |The Sinclair Brothers|

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As Wade made his way toward the bathroom, I stood just outside the kitchen off, next to the stairs, waiting for Bo to come down - hopefully soon - so I could talk to him.

A couple minutes later, I heard Bo coming back down the stairs with some supplies, including the fan belt. "Hey," he greeted, "not going to the bathroom?" "No, I actually wanted to talk to you," I paused, "about Vincent." At the mention of that name, his face became more serious, "you said the Sinclair boys weren't in town anymore?" He didn't respond, just busied himself with his bin of car supplies, "I saw him earlier... Vincent I mean." He stiffened. "Well, uh, I don't know, maybe he came back today," he answered, sounding unsure of himself as he turned to look at me. He cleared his throat, "yea, Vincent likes to visit from time to time. To see his work, you know," he walked over to the kitchen, "want some water? Must be thirsty after walkin' around this dry old place," he chuckled while changing the subject. "Uh, sure, thanks!" I replied. He was right, I was extremely thirsty, I haven't drank anything since last night.

He got out 2 glasses, filling them with water, and handing me one. I awkwardly took a sip, "sorry," I said, "for what?" Bo asked confused, "for phrasing it as if you were lying... I didn't mean it like that, I was just confused." I tried to explain, taking another sip. "It's all good, don't worry about it," he waved me off, placing his barley touched glass by the sink, "I knew he was in town," he smirked. My eyebrows knotted, I was more confused now than I was before, "what?" I started to feel dizzy.

I tried to shake the fuzzy feeling in my head, "what do you mean? Why did you lie?" I leaned on the table trying to balance myself. He just laughed lowly, watching me. I looked down at the cup of water when a car horn from outside started blaring. "Carly..." I looked up at the door. I tried to go to it, but it was hard to walk, I felt heavy. "Woah, carful there," Bo laughed, catching me. The glass started to slip from my hand, "don't wanna make a mess now," he took it from me, dumping it into the sink. Then I heard Wade scream from inside the house somewhere, panic struck me, filling me with some hidden adrenaline, "Wade!?" "Y/N! Run!" He holster back. "Let me go," I yelled, thrashing weakly against Bo's grip. "Alright, alright," he spoke smugly, letting me go. I swayed, but didn't fall, stumbling quickly over to the door. But just as I was about to reach the handle, Bo's hand snaked over my neck, slamming me into the wall. "Carly!" I painfully shrieked before Bo moved his other hand over my move. He moved the hand from my neck to punch the stray hairs away from my face, "shhh shshsh," he hushed me as I continued to thrash. Without another thought I bit his hand. He grunted angrily, instantly gripping my hair and throwing me the the ground.

I shakily turned my body to face him, "please don't kill me," I cried, slowly pushing myself away from him, sliding on the hard wood floor. I back up to the hall next to the stairs, where Wade had gone minutes earlier. I grabbed on to the railing, pulling myself up as Bo stalked toward me. "Please don't," I beg, "please don't do this." I backed up into something, or rather, someone. I froze in fear. Bo's grim smile grew at the horror on my face. I swallowed hard, turning slowly. I looked up at the man standing so close behind me, it was him, "Vincent," I muttered, fearful tears filled my eyes. I backed away with small steps, when I looked over my shoulder to check where Bo was, he had already grabbed his bin of supplies, and was heading out the door. "Carly," I called out as Bo closed the door. I looked back at Vincent, who hadn't moved any closer. Hastily I turned to the door and tried to run, ignoring the weak state of my limbs.

I only made it half way to the door before Vincent grabbed me. Both his arms hugged around my waist, "no," I whimpered, no energy left to scream. So I just cried, tears spilling quickly down my cheeks, "please stop," I tried to wriggle free. I used my remaining ounce of strength to elbow him with both arms in the sides of his ribs. He made a sound similar to a hiss as he dropped me. I crawled toward the door, but he was much fast. He stood in front of it, his large figure towering over me. I stood up quickly, disorienting myself as I was super light headed. I backed away from him wobbling as I attempted to walk backwards, not wanting to look away from him for fear of what might happen.

Since I wasn't looking where I was going, I tripped over a coffee table in what I assumed was the living room. He moved quickly toward me, I wasn't sure if he was trying to catch me or kill me. So I continued to back away, shuffling on the ground. As I moved, Vincent just stood there, watching.

Unfortunately I backed myself into a corner. But I was so done with all of this, that I didn't care. I just stayed there and curled up, burying my face in my knees, trying to pretend everything was ok.

I heard Vincent's heavy footsteps move toward me. Fearing the worst, I didn't look up. But the footsteps stopped right in front of me, there was a creak, and a small gust of air from a swift movement he made. I squeezed my body, ready for some kind of impact, but there was nothing. I peeked up from me knees. He was crouched down in front of me, head tilted curiously to one side.

When I lifted my head fully, he moved his hand toward my face, causing me to flinch away and grab his hand. His hand hovered in the air for a moment as I recovered from my fear. When I looked back at him, he gently placed his palm on my cheek while I still held his hand with my own. I don't know why, but this gave me a sense of warmth and comfort, so, I leaned into his touch. I closed my eyes and let the strange peace wash over. All seemed ok, until Bo ran back inside.

Word count: 1100+

A/N- Vincent is my comfort guy, I love him so much I just can't explain it lol :P

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