Part 3 |Sombody's Watching You|

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It was all fun and games until an old truck pulled up, headlights beaming in your faces, as it just sat there in the opening, engine on and unmoving. "Yeah?" Wade called to the truck questioningly, "Hey, yo, man you need something?" Blake asked. But no one exited the truck or answered the question.

    "What does he want?" Carly asked as if any of you had a clue, "I don't know Carly, why don't you walk up and ask him," you said sarcastically, "whatever," Carly sneered. "Hey can you turn off your lights, please?" Wade called to the truck once more, but again no answer, no movement, just nothing. Just barley past the blinding like you could see a hand hanging out the driver side window, you squinted really hard and saw that the hand looked to have a bunch of scars all around the wrist. As if the man in the car could see you looking, he pulled his hand back inside.

    "Ok, this is getting kinda creepy," Paige voiced what you were all thinking at this point, "hey come on, man. Get out of here. Nothing to see here. Let's go," Blake tried, but again to no success.

    Wade stood up, "can we help you," he asked again, "gee Wade, why don't you ask him again? Maybe 3rd times a charm hmm," you shook your head, "maybe we're on his property," Carly said, which was very possible. "No, we didn't pass a gate," Wade stated. "Hey man, turn your lights off," Blake stood up now too. "Hello?" Wade called out. This was getting annoying to you, not the truck, the guys. "Turn you lights off," Blake yelled like a broken record, "I'm serious man, turn your lights off or I'm someone's ass." "Blake, shut up!" You yelled, very much over this macho man shtick. "It's alright, it's cool man," Wade attempted to calm Blake down.

    "What if the guy needs help or something?" But before your question could be answered, Nick stood up and whipped a mostly empty beer bottle at the trucks left headlight. Butting the light and the bottle instantly. "Nick!" You and Carly yelled at him in unison, "oh my god," Carly sighed as Nick walked over. "What?" Dalton said, throwing up his arms. "You guys are all assholes," you scoffed, walking over to the car. "Y/N, get back over here," Jason yelled, startling you a bit. He rushed over to you grabbing your wrist, tempting to pull you back to the group. "I'm really sorry about my friends," you called to the person in the truck, "are you alright? Do you need any help? 'Cause if so I'd be glad to," you said kindly as Jason continued to pull you back. But the truck just reversed slowly, driving off into the darkness. "Yeah!" Dalton called out after it.

    "Get off me," you thrashed, freeing your wrist from him, "that person might have actually needed our help," you said with utter frustration. "Oh Y/N the optimist over here!" He laughed, "fuck off Jason, seriously. I'm going to sleep," you paused, "you can have the tent, I'm sleeping in the van." "Y/N come on, I was just playing ar-" you cut him off, "you're always 'just playing around' and it's fucking irritating." You stormed off, but he followed, "you know, this is why we broke up, this stupid attitude of yours!" "My attitude?" You gasped, "as if," you laughed angrily as you crawled into the van, "I broke up with you because your a dick, you are literally one f the worst kinds of people," you started to raise your voice, "oh yea? And what is that?" His tone of voice matching yours, "the kind of person who doesn't take accountability for his own stupid, selfish actions, and doesn't care about anybody but his narcissistic self!" You slammed the van door and locked.

    Jason punched the door before walking off to his tent for the night. You put your headphones back on, trying to forget about the events of the night and sleep. You hit play and the song Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell came on, lulling you to sleep with it's slightly creepy tune.

    At some point in the night you rolled over and your headphones fell off. But the lack of music wasn't what woke you up, there was a kind of metal clacking sound coming from the front of the van, and a large branch snapping outside of the van did. Sleepily you opened your eyes and saw a camera peaking over the window. "Holy shit!" You yelled with a start, "god damn it Dalton, screw off," you waved off the person you assumed was Dalton.

    Little did you know, someone else was there that night, someone was watching you. Like an animal stalking it's prey. Waiting for the perfect time to attack. But would he attack you, a fellow artist. Not even he knew.

Word count: 800+

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