Part 18 |Choice B|

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"Vincent," I reach down to the hand he wasn't holding on with, "grab my hand! I'll pull you up." He shook his head and placed his free hand back on the support beam. "Vincent, please!"

Choice B: let him go, it's finally over.

    I let out a shaky breath. Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe this is how it was meant to be. "You're not a freak," I leaned over the support beam, wobbling slightly, "you were never a freak." I place a gentle kiss on top of his head as a single tear rolled down his scared face.

    He let go of the beam, plummeting directly into that molten wax pit. He fell directly on top of his brother who had sunken in the wax some time earlier. Then, they were both engulfed in the wax. "I'm sorry," I whispered, as if he could hear me, "I really wanted to save you."

    I slowly made my way across the wood beam, and out of the once magnificent wax house.

~~ Time skip ~~

I came out the back of the house. I heard vague voices from around the corner. Walking over I saw Nick and Carly, drenched in wax, looking at the wax mush in front of them. "Nick, Carly!" I called to them with a sob, "Y/N!" Carly took me into a welcome embrace as I cried. "You're alive," she exclaimed. "Barley," I laughed. Nick joined in on the hug, "good to see you kept your promise," we giggled like school kids before letting go of each other.

"What happened to...?" Carly asked, not speaking Vincent's name. "He, uh... he didn't make it," she could hear the distress in my voice. "Oh, Y/N," she pulled me into a hug once more. It was nice and comforting, I really needed it in this moment.

~~ Time skip... again ~~

Sirens blared around us. Police, fire, and paramedics were scattered around the remains of the old town. Carly and Nick were sitting in the back of an ambulance, while I stood, too antsy to sit. I watched as the carried Bo and Vincent's bodies out on stretchers. I couldn't see them as they were in black body bags, but it had to be them. My heart wretched in my chest and I turned away. Carly place a comforting hand on my arm.

"Hey, that's my friends camera," Nick called to an officer walking by with an evidence bag, "hey, that's my friends camera," he repeated. "Sorry, son. That's evidence," the sheriff explained, "you guys ok?" Nick laughed weakly at the question. So did I. "Well don't worry. We'll get you to the hospital." The sheriff said with that patented sheriff smile.

"How could no one have know about all of this?" Carly asked that burning question, "truth is, this town's hard as hell to get to. It's been abandoned for ten years, ever since that sugar mill shut down. Hell it ain't even on the map anymore," he stated, "we found all those cars in that old factory. Those Sinclair boys have been pulling people off the interstate for years. If it wasn't for all the smoke from the fire, we wouldn't have even known." Well that was reassuring.

Another officer walked toward us, "excuse me, sir, Louis wants to talk to you over here." "Excuse me," the sheriff said to us, and he was off and soon we were too.

As we drove out of the town, Nick pulled a bag out of somewhere in his jacket, "maybe there's some good memories on this," it was Dalton's stupid camera, "you took it?" Carly accused, "it just felt wrong leaving it behind. You know?" Nick replied. "You might not like what you see on there... who knows what other horrors Dalton could've filmed," I chuckled.

Little did I know, the contents of that camera would never be able to leave our minds...

Word count: 600+

THE END! (If you feel so inclined, please read choice A if you haven't, because it also connects to the epilogue!)

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