Part 9 |Bo's house|

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Vincent curiously following your trail. Before leaving you turned to face him, "thank you again," you smiled a pure and joyful smile, "this was nice!" As you pushed open, just out of ear shit, Vincent thanked you as well.

You barrelled down the steps and toward the gas station. Your friends were with that man from the church, Bo, and they seemed to be just finishing up in the gas station. "Hey, guys, wait up," you called to them. "We'll look who's decided to make an appearance," Bo said with a smirk. "We're going up to his house to get the fan belt, since there's none left at the store," Wade informed you, "ah, I see," you nodded.

"So, us, is it too late to sign Carly up for that beauty pageant?" Wade jokingly asked, trying to make small talk. "Now, unfortunately, it is," Bo answered 'cause you woulda won hands down," Bo indiscreetly flirted back. Carly chuckled and thanked him, but Wade didn't look so happy. "So, that house of wax is pretty awesome," you spoke up, trying to cut the weird tension. "You went inside?" Bo looked at the three of you. "Yeah... yeah it was unlocked, so, you know," Wade answered. "Everything seems to be unlocked around here, now don't it?" Bo asked rhetorically, still smirking, "yeah, people used to come to see it from miles away. And Trudy was the main, uh, I guess 'artist' is the appropriate term." "I can imagine why people would want to see it," you said looking at him, "it's incredible!"

"What about Vincent?" You asked as the four of you walked up the hill to Bo's house, "yeah, I saw his name on a lot of the work," Carly added. "One of Trudy's boys," he answered honestly.

From this point on imma write in first person 👍

"They still around?" Carly asked him. I was about to answer 'yes' as I had just met Vincent, but Bo beat me to it, "no. No. It's a horrible story-" I looked at him, the confusion crossing my face causing him to pause for a second. But he continued nonetheless, "Trudy's husband, Doc Sinclair, he was a doctor in the big city until he got his license revoked for doing surgeries on the side" he explained, "you know, stuff that, you know, most doctors wouldn't dare do," I didn't know why, but this speech sounded somewhat practiced, as if he told it quite often. Which was odd considering the state of the somewhat hidden town. Still he continued to explain, "so, he moved him and Trudy out here to Ambrose, made a fresh start with his medical practice, and, uh, Trudy really found her calling with that whole wax sculpture thing," he looked over at the wax house as we were passing behind it, "it was her dream to do something really incredible here. Then she had a couple kids, picket fence..." "what's so horrible about that?" Wade asked, and both Carly and I agreed, "Trudy got a cyst in her brain. She started rotting away" Bo responded, "that's awful," I said sadly. "Yeah... couldn't work no more,and she went crazy. Things got so bad that Doc Sinclair finally had to strap her to the bed," I looked up at him in horror, this really was sad, "I mean, the whole town could hear her screaming from the house. Doc Sinclair was so depressed that he couldn't save here, he, uh," Bo made a gun with his fingers, brought it to his temple, and mimicked shorting himself, "blew his head right off."

"That's terrible," Carly said, but Bo wasn't finished, "it was worse for the two boys, left all alone like that. Both ended up in foster homes." "Those poor kids, I can't imagine," My eyes were a bit watery, I felt horrible for that family, but I still couldn't shake the feeling Bo was was lying about the boys. Either he was lying about the Sinclair boys not being in town, or that man I met in the wax house wasn't Vincent.

The four of us were right out front of the house, "hey, uh, why don't you three hop in?" Bo gestured to his truck sitting in the driveway, "I'll go get the fan belt, and I'll give you a ride back to the car," he offered, opening the passenger side door. "No, actually, we've got some friends picking us up where the roads washed out," Carly told him, but he persisted, "I'll give you a lift there, then. It's the least I can do for making y'all wait." "Cool," Wade nodded, clearly feeling bad for judging Lester earlier, "all right," Carly agreed as well.

As the three of you were about to get in, Bo spoke again, "you need the facilities, right?" He asked Wade, "yeah. Thanks," Wade said, giving me and Carly an 'I'll be right back' kind of look. "Either of you need to use the can?" Bo leaned on the truck door frame, "no, that's ok, I'm fine Carly giggled. Bo looked at me, and I looked at Carly, "I gotta go too," I whispered, smiling apologetically, not wanting to leave her alone. Truthfully I didn't actually have to go, I just wanted to talk to Bo about that story he told, and the man I had thought was Vincent. "All right," Bo moved back from the truck and I hopped out.

Carly watched as the three of us walked up the steps to the door. "So, uh, where you headed to anyway?" Bo questioned me and Wade. "Oh, we're just going to a football game," Wade answered, "well... we were going to a football game," you corrected playfully, "right," Wade said.

    "Hey, the bathroom is right down the hall," Bo gestured in the direction, "Let me get out of this jacket and tie and I'll, uh, I'll grab the fan belt. "Okay. Thanks," Wade thanked him as he headed up the stairs. Wade looked at me, probably trying to be chivalrous, but I didn't actually have to go, so I said, "go ahead."

    As Wade made his way toward the bathroom, I stood just outside the kitchen next to the stairs, waiting for Bo to come down - hopefully soon - so I could talk to him.

Word count: 1000+

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