Part 13 |Shotgun|

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Bo placed the key for my shackle in a red bin on the top shelf by the door. And with one last look he closed and locked the door. Leaving me and Carly alone and tied up in the damp disturbing basement.

I felt broke, I lost all hope. I felt lost in my own body, my own thoughts. The world was spinning, I couldn't focus. All I could really register was the muddled whimpers and grunts Carly was making, and the songs of metal clanging. That and the thrumming of my own heart pounding in my ears.

I was brought out of my head by a sudden scream, "Nick!" Carly called, "Nick! help us!" I whipped my head up and practically saw a blood shower. Carly was sitting down, one of her fingers was profusely bleeding, Bo must have cut it off while I was zoned out. "Please, help us! We're down here!" It took me a second to realize she had ripped her lips open, they were all torn and bloody. I felt bad, I could've just taken the tape off my mouth and screamed for her. Then again she was closer to the grate, so she was more likely to be heard. But I was in a world of my own.

We heard a scuffle upstairs, presumably between Nick and Bo. "Nick!" Carly yelled out again, "Carly!" We heard him call back. "We're downstairs!" Instantly footsteps barrelled down the basement steps and the door was busted down. "Thank god," Carly gasped weakly. "Jesus," Nick ran over to her, "okay. I'm here. I got you." He unraveled the tape around her wrists and undid her restraints.

Carly wrapped her finger in her shirt, then pointed at me. "Y/N," she said, "help Y/N." Nick looked over, "shit, he got both of you." He came over to me, pulled the tape off my mouth and wrists. That's when he looked at my legs and saw the metal shackle, "Oh no, does he have the key?" I shook my head, "it's in that read bin up there," I pointed. He rummaged through it, "this one?" He pulled out a dull sliver key, showing it to me, "yeah," I sighed happily. He unlocked the shackle and I stood up to try and help in any way I could. "Where is he?" Carly asked as Nick looked through a tool box for something sharp, "where is he?" Carly asked again more harshly. Nick picked up a box knife, "I locked him out," he answered slyly, "where the hell's Wade?" He asked back, "I don't know. He went into the house," she replied, "I think Vincent got him," I mumbled, they both looked at me. Nick had no idea what I was talking about, but Carly got it, "the was museum guy?" She asked, and I nodded fearfully. "This place is a freak show!" She scoffed as she wrapped her finger with a strip of what looked like gauze. The whole time I had been looking through drawers and finally I found a switch blade, so I pocketed it in case of emergency, which we'd no doubt run in to.

Then we heard a car engine start up. We all paused and listened for a second. "He's leaving," Nick stated. So we cautiously made our way back up. "Alright, you two stay here," he said, then went to check our surrounds to make sure he was truly gone. He also decided to pick up a wrench as a weapon. 'Probably not the best, but it'll work' I thought. "Car's by the road," Nick told us, but there was a downside, "damn it... Jason's (Y/Ns ex) has the keys," he looked out the window, "and Dalton... we gotta call the cops." Nick grabbed the phone on the wall, but to no surprise it didn't work. "Shit," he swore, throwing the phone down. He turned to me and Carly, "hey, where's your cell phone?" He asked Carly first, "it might be in the truck, up near the house," she replied. He locked at me, "Y/N?" I looked at my feet shifting a bit in my place, "in wy art bag," I paused, "in the house."

"What about Wade?" Carly asked, "Y/N says Vincent has him... what if he turns him to wax?" Nick and I looked at Carly confused, "what do you mean, wax?" Nick questioned. "You don't get it!" Carly spoke frantically, "They're all wax. Everyone." My jaw dropped, that's why no one was around, the town was abandoned. "Wait, no," I remembered, walking out of the shop, "there was a lady watching us. From that window remember?" I looked at Carly, "yeah" she exasperated, "yeah, she was alive. She pulled the curtain back," I nodded.

    Nick hopped over the ladies fence, stepped on a little ledge, and peaked in the window through the sheer white curtains. A few seconds of looking in the house, and you assumed she wasn't home. But then Nick shouted, jumping away from the window. The lady was there, but alive? Definitely not. Carly stepped up to look at her too, but I didn't need to look closer to realize she must have been wax as well. "The town is rigged," she stated, looking back at us. "That's impossible," Nick watched as the lady opened the curtain again, "so, you're saying that that's a real person..." "cover in wax?" You finished the sentence for him. "Yes. At the church, they were all like that," Carly answered, "and the people in that house of wax... they were also... people," I said in horror. "Yeah... at least 20 more," Carly added.

    We gave Nick a basic run down of the events of the night as we hid away, thinking up a plan."He said he had a brother, right?" Nick asked, "yeah," Carly replied. "Vincent." "At the House of Wax, he did all the sculptures. He's gotta be the one that does all the wax," Carly explained. 'No way' I thought, 'No way that man I met could be a horrific mass murderer... could he?' "What if he's around here?" Carly continued, "he... won't hurt us," I muttered, but they couldn't hear me. "Wait," Nick walked out into the street, "Nick, what are you doing?" Carly scolded him as we walked, "you gotta be carful." "I am being careful," Nick responded as if he was a badass in an action movie.

    Wrench in hand, he went up to the Guns & Ammo store. He tried the door, but it was locked, "Nick what are you doing?" I asked when he backed away from the store. He answered by attempting to toss the wrench into the large glass window, but Carly grabbed his arm. "No, no, no," she repeated a bunch of times, "it'll make too much noise! Why do you have to be so damn stubborn?" She quietly exclaimed, "he will find us," she fought, "yeah, chances are he will anyway," he fought back. "At least with this, he might not want to find us." And with that he launched the wrench into the window, completely obliterating it. He stepped inside the window, and loaded himself with a crossbow and arrows.

    He stood in the window, admiring the thing when a gunshot rang out, shattering the glass door next to us. It was Bo, who now had a shotgun. This out our measly plan into action. If Bo found us they would run one way, and I would the other way to find Jason. "Run," Nick yelled, "no shit!" I yelled back, and we ran our separate ways. Another gunshot rang out, it must've been toward Carly and Nick since it sounded quieter. I looked over my shoulder, Bo had a decision to make. "I'll come back for you later," he sneered, "I know you won't leave your friends." Then he started to chase them.

Word Count: 1300

A/N- I had the most wild dream last night that was most definitely because I'm writing this story... like Vincent, Bo, Carly, Nick, and Wade were there, and me ofc. It was so funny too cuz Carly, Nick, and Wade, were looking at me like I was crazy for the things I was doing and saying - which is fair - but that's actually how I would be acting in that situation. I won't write the whole thing here, it maybe I'll include it as an extra chapter at the end lol!

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