Part 2 |Making Camp|

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you didn't care about the game, and you didn't care what they were talking about. All you wanted to do was watch the stars. Until you and the group headed back on the road of course.

     Around your neck were a pair of headphones, you slid them over your ears, not so effectively blocking out the sound around you. They were connected to an old Walkman you had clipped in your pocket. You didn't want to play music yet because you wanted to save the power. It was your dads old music player, so it didn't hold charge very well.

    Your short peace was disturbed by your asshole boyfriend Jason banging on the hood of the van. You sat up with a jolt, heart beating out of your chest. You looked over at him, he was laughing like a school boy. You gave an aggravated sigh, and glared at him, "what?" "We're heading out," he smiled cheekily, you just rolled your eyes as you hopped off the van. "Asshole" you shoved him. "Oh come on, don't be all mad that you're easy to scare," he shrugged as you got inside the van, moving to the very back. Jason was still outside the car when you heard him say, "you're so sensitive" it was comments like that that made you hold so much resentment for him. None of your friends knew why you were still with him. Truth was, you didn't know either.

~~~~ Time Skippp ~~~~

    You and your friends were on the road for quite sometime, Blake leading the way in his big blue truck. Blake said he knew a short cut, then you heard Wade, who was driving the car say, "so much for his nice little shirt cut." When the car began to turn right, you saw the issue. A big lite up around sign blocking the way forward. As Wade continued drive, he pulled up next to Blakes truck, "I hope he's not gonna get us lost," Wade sighed, and Carly agreed.

You were slowly dozing off again until you heard Daltons voice peel up, "yo, you wake up, wake up!" He laughed, smacking Nick a few time who had a very unexpected wake up call.

"Oh my god," Carly gasped, and you finally looked over. It looked very much like Blake was having a really good time to say the least. Dalton pulled out his camera, still laughing, and began filming Paige and Blake. You thought that was honestly really gross of him to do, but you kept quite, you were too tired to even try with these people, especially Dalton. This was that kind of times you were saving the Walkman battery for, so you slid those headphones over your ears, pulled out your Walkman and hit play. On came 1959s Sleep Walk by Betsy Brye, and you quickly fell asleep leaning against the cool van window.

~~~~ Time Skip (cuz I don't feel like detailing the drive) ~~~~

    You felt light taps on your shoulder, and your headphones slip off. "Y/N~" Jason's voice cooed into your ear. You groaned and shifted in your seat, "what?" You half whined, half sighed, "we're setting up camp for the night," he replied simply. "Wait why? Won't we miss that big everyone's so excited for," You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, "well we would, but we'll just wake up early so we can get on the road a s a p," he smiled, "now come on!" He clapped his hands together.

    The van shook slightly as Jason hopped out. You unbuckled your seat belt, popped out of the van and stretched with a yawn. "Morning sleepy head," Nick tossed you satchel to you before setting up a chair for himself.

    The night was nice. You helped the boys set up while Paige and Carly talked and Nick just sat watching as he smoked and drank. You went to join Carly and Paige when Blake pulled out a football. You didn't care much for sports, but you didn't wanna ruin their fun. That was until the ball landed near Nick, now he was the one who would ruin the fun. Wade went over to get the ball but Nick threw it hard to Blake. There was some bickering between Nick and Wade, then Nick and Carly. So you decided to step in. Nick was an alright guy once you got to know him, most people just didn't take that time. You on the other hand were pretty close with Nick, much to Jason's dismay.

    "Grow up," you heard Carly say in a motherly tone, "you are so afraid to take things seriously." "Oh. Yeah. As afraid as Wade is of leaving good ol' Gainesville? Huh?" You just shook your head, he was in a mode and there was no getting him out, "New York City. Well, I hear they got buildings as tall as the sky," he said in a hillbilly like accent. "Just, let me take it from here, okay?" You put your hand on Carly's shoulder, "okay," she responded, then briskly walked away.

    "Man, you gotta stop egging her on like that," you said seriously, "at some point she's gonna think you actually hate her," "yea, we'll what if I do actually hate her," he snapped back. You gave him a sympathetic look, "don't say that. You know that's not true."

    There was a chill in the air as the wind blew strong. "Woah, what's that smell," Blake spoke, covering his nose, "yea that's bad," Carly added doing the same. You pulled up the lip of your shirt, covering your nose with it as well, it was a truly putrid smell. "Dalton did you crap you pants again?" Nick yelled, "huh? No," Dalton smelled himself, "I don't know. Maybe. I mean I'm wearing my work clothes, so..." he laughed.

    You walked away from Nick toward the rest of the group, "ugh that's horrible" Carly said, "your're telling me," you gagged. Wade was shining the light into the forest as if that would do anything for the smell, "somethings dead out there," he said moving closer the the forests edge, "thanks Sherlock I couldn't tell," you scoffed, "yea nice observation man," Jason added coming up next to you, wrapping a solid arm around your shoulder. "No so,etchings dead right here. We need to drink it back to life," Blake spoke up, "bless me dawg" he called to Nick who tossed him a beer.

    The smell died down and the night was alive once again. Dalton annoyingly filming you guys as you all drank, played with the football, and roasted snacks around the little fire you and Nick built.

    It was all fun and games until an old truck pulled up, headlights beaming in your faces, as it just sat there in the opening, engine on and unmoving. "Yeah?" Wade called to the truck questioningly, "Hey, yo, man you need something?" Blake asked. But no one exited the truck or answered the question.

Word count: 1100+
A/N- If you haven't heard that song I mentioned earlier, I highly recommend especially if you like old songs)

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