Part 4 |Roadkill|

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Little did you know, someone else was there that night, someone was watching you. Like an animal stalking it's prey. Waiting for the perfect time to attack. But would he attack you, a fellow artist. Not even he knew.


A knock on the window of the van woke you up, somehow you had slept through the bright sun shining in the windows. You opened the door, "morning," you smiled at Nick who had so graciously woken you up. "Morning," he responded with a laugh, "it's like 2:30." "Oh shit," you laughed as well, quickly getting up to help pack.

You heard Carly and Paige talking by the edge of the woods, the that smell came back, "oh my god there's that smell again," Paige said as I rounded the bushes, "honestly it doesn't smell as bad as it did last night," you said but still plugged your nose, "really? I think it worse," Paige said making the funniest disgusted face you had ever seen. "I think it's coming from over there," Carly pointed deeper into the forest. "Yeah, let's go follow the smell," Paige scoffed while sarcasm dripped through her words, "I gotta say it Carly, but Paige is right, why are we going toward the smell of death?" You asked genuinely as the smell got stronger. "What? I want to see what it is," Carly responded and put a bit of pep in her step, "look I'm a curious person too but this is just getting gross," you whined, you weren't good with strong smells. "Come on you guys!" Carly said not showing any sight of stopping.

"I cannot believe you're making me do this," Paige remarked, "only you." "Come on. It'll be fine," Carly grunted, "I'm gonna throw up," Paige gagged, "ditto," you added, swallowing back the rising stomach acid. "Oh my god I hate you," Paige spoke plainly, but Carly just laughed and "seriously it'll be fine." You coughed at the horrid smell, "don't-" you started but were cut of by Carly's screams as she fell down whatever hill was in front of her, "-jinx it," you finished with a sigh. "Carly!" Paige yelled, as you both tried to reach for her, but she slid too fast down the hill. Landing in the source of the smell, she cried out, "Paige? Y/N?" "Are you okay?" Paige called back to her. "I'm stuck," Carly screamed fearfully, "Wade! Please help me get out of here!" "Shit," you cursed, "Wade! Nick! We're down here!" You yelled to the boys as loud as you could, "guys help us," Paige yelled to the, as well.

As Carly whined, trying to push herself out of the disgusting pile of rot, she saw a hand sticking out of one of the animal corpses. "Guys!" She shrieked. "Oh my god" you shuddered, seeing what you presumed Carly had also seen. "Where are you?" Wade yelled back to his panicking girlfriend, "get down here! I can't get out!" She continued to scream, "Carly, I'm coming!" Wade hollered, practically hurtling himself down the mountain side, with Nick close behind.

Finally Wade got down to here. "Here. Grab me baby. Come on, I got you," Wade helped her up, "you alright?" He asked her but she was still in a state of shock as he pulled her higher up the mountain. "There's a roadkill pit down here," Blake stated the very obvious fact. "Oh yeah," Nick gagged, "smells about right."

Blake checked in on Paige, Wade helped Carly, and Jason checked in on you, "hey babe, you good?" He put a hand on your shoulder which you quickly shrugged off, "I'm fine... and don't call me babe," you moved away from him, closer to Nick who actually made you feel at ease, unlike Jason.

Suddenly, a truck started down the road in front of the pit. "Hey, it that the truck from last night?" Blake asked, "not unless he got his headlight fixed," Wade pointed out. The truck clattered by, stopped, then reversed toward the pit.

A rugged looking man came out of the driver side, paying no mind to you and your friends, or the abhorrent smell. He opened up the truck bed and stepped into it, tossing a dead chicken into the pit.

"Hey!" Wade called to the man who looked at you all for the first time, "don't you see that?" Carly said worriedly. The man didn't say anything, just looked at the human hand sticking out of the of the roadkill. "What is that?" Carly asked again, the man paused. He dropped out of the truck and heaving the deer corpse out of it, tossing it into the heap too with a nauseating squish. The man walked toward the hand, walking over the slimy fly filled corpses, not breaking eye contacted with the hand.

He reached down to it, "no way," Wade said breathlessly, "what are you doing man?" The man wasn't listening, he grabbed on to it with to hands now, pulling it up, and twisting it a bit too. You winched at the visceral visual, then a plastic pop was made when the man lifted the hand up. It was just a mannequin. You sighed in relief with a little smile, finding it quiet funny how scared you all were for nothing.

"Anyone need a hand?" The man joked as a big grin spread across his face, nobody else laughed but you couldn't help yourself. You burst out into laughter, joining the laughter of the strange man. Your friends looked at you, "what? It's funny," you continued to giggle. "I'm just foolin'" the man said still laughing, "she gets it," he pointed at me with the plastic hand. "It's not real, see," he knocked on the hollow plastic.

"God," Carly sighed, "I found it on the side of the road a few weeks ago," the man paused for a second, "what are you guys doing 'round here?" His hillbilly accent was thick. "We're all uh... camping through those trees," Wade answered truthfully, "hey, you don't know if there's a gas station around here, do you?" Wade asked kindly, "well I've got so,e gas in the trunk if-" the began to say, but Wade cut him off, "we need a fan belt" he huffed. "What?" You and Carly questioned in unison, "just busted," Wade replied. "Of course" Carly nodded in frustration, "perfect" you rubbed your temples.

"Bo might have one," the man said, "runs the station in Ambrose," he smiled. "Where that?" Wade asked, "15 miles up the road," the man estimated. "Let's just get one in Baton Rouge," Blake said in annoyance, "we'll put it on when we get back." "Man there's no way I'm leaving my van. What if that guy from last night comes and stripes it or something," Wade said, "well whatever man. You're gonna miss the game then," Blake said as if he was trying to convince Wade to leave his van. "Yea, well, that's not why I came," Wade glanced at Carly, then back to Blake. "All right, then," Blake sighed, but you tuned them out, whatever they were talking you didn't actually care, you just wanted to get away from the God forsaken smell.

I was brought back to the conversation by the man who was still standing in the lit listening to the boys conversation, "I'll give you a ride," Wade looked over to him, "you serious?" He asked, "if you'd like," the man replied with a nod and a smile. "Well... yea, uh... yea, if that's cool," Wade looked at Blake for confirmation, but he was obviously in. "I'm going with you," Carly said, "yea me too," you said looking at Carly, then at Wade, "no, no. You guys, no," Paige said, but you both dismissed her.

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