Part 12 |The Basement|

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"What do I say, huh!" He yelled, picking Carly up and slinging her over his shoulder. He roughly grabbed my face with his one free hand, "What did I fucking say?!" If he wasn't angry before, he was now. He let go, opting to grab my wrist instead.

TW: well... it's the gas station bit with Bo so- yeah
He brought us to the gas station for whatever reason. Carly kicked and screamed the whole way, whereas I just cried, letting the tears slip silently, and emotionless, down my face.

    Inside, he walked over to an old shelf. He tossed me forward, and I stumbled to the ground, slamming my knees painfully on the concrete floor. He flicked on the radio, turning it up enough to drown out most of Carly's sobs. Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World by Marilyn Manson was blaring throughout the shop. He grasped my wrist again, bringing Carly and I down into the basement.

    The true horror set in when I saw the room he brought us to. He entered the desolate room, throwing me onto the dirty old mattress, and closing the door behind him. He looked at me, murder in his eyes. I moved into the corner in fear, trying to push myself away from him as much as possible. "Stay right there," his voice was cold and harsh. I didn't say anything, looking at the floor in front of him because I couldn't bare to look up at Carly flailing in his arms.

    I glanced up, as he brought Carly to the other side of the room. I watched as Bo threw her down in a rickety metal chair. She struggled against him, but it was no use, he was clearly much stronger than the both of us combined. He strapped her to the chair as I just watched on in terror... what was he going to do to her. Carly begged for him to stop as he taped around the straps for extra security, as well as binding her legs together. For so,e reason, while he did, she stopped struggling. She was looking at so,e thing, but I couldn't see what.

    As he finished, we heard a voice from outside. "Hello?" The voice called. It was Dalton. Carly attempted to get his attention, but Bo was ready. He pressed his hand over her mouth, only muffling her screams until he picked up a knife. He pressed it to her throat, and she finally quieted down. He whispered something to Carly, but I couldn't hear it over the music. That's when he looked up at me, staring daggers. I knew what he wanted to say, he wanted to say some shit about me not moving or saying anything, or he would slice Carly's throat open. I covered my own mouth, trying to conceal my sobs. Bo then looked up at the grate above him, which must've lead outside.

    A couple minutes later, Bo let go of Carly's mouth, but was still holding that knife to her throat. From the table to his right, he picked up a little bottle, twisting the cap off with his teeth. He brought the bottle do her lips, "don't move," he said. "No. What are you doing?" Carly cried quietly as he tried to hold her head still. "Shhh. It's okay," he lied, putting the little bottle to her lips as she whined, "shh. Just stay still," he spoke, holding her mouth closed. "It's a shame we have to close that pretty mouth of yours," he sighed grotesquely, squeezing the contents of the bottle onto the skin of Carly's closed lips, "especially with the way those lips curve," he added, leaning in close to her mouth as if to kiss her. But it looked like he just blew on them. He pulled away for a moment, taking in her face before placing a long kiss on her forehead while she whined through her sealed lips.

    I shuttered, this man was horrific. I looked around the room, taking in our surrounding, planning way to get away, when I saw the wall of Polaroid pictures behind me. They were all taken of women, bound and gagged, in various ways. Each one just as disturbing as the last. 'Were these all his victims?' I thought, but was snapped out of it when I noticed Bo coming over to me.

    I could still hear Carly's muffled cries. It seems like Bo glued her lips shut. He was standing in front of me, his towering frame similar to Vincent's. He stood there for moment, chest heaving as he breathed heavily, as if he was getting off to this. I didn't look at his face, I couldn't bring my eyes of the floor as I rubbed the dry tears from my face. His presence alone was enough to make me shiver. He crouched down slowly, tilting his head to the side, watching my eyes dart back and forth around the floor. Out of nowhere he grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him while a sad whimper left my lips. Turning to Carly he said, "you should be more like this one." Laughing lowly while Carly struggled against her binds.

Still holding my face, Bo looked at me, "give me your wrists," he spoke. "No," I muttered, I wouldn't just give in. His grip on my jaw tightened, "don't make me ask you again." "Fuck you," I spat through the growing pain in my jaw. He roughly let go of my face with a grunt that seemed to be a mix of annoyance and pleasure. I was somewhat laying on the dusty bed as he reached for my arms but I ripped them away, "don't touch me!" I cried, pushing my self as far away from him as best as I could, but there was nowhere to go. He grabbed my neck with one thick hand, one of my wrists with the other. Pinning me to the ground, he straddled my waist. I tried hitting him with my one free hand, but he let go of my neck and caught it mid swing.

He now held both my wrists in one hand, taking the tape in the other. I kicked and thrashed under his weight. With his teeth he pulled the tape, and with his hand he wrapped the tape thick around my wrists. Still pinning my now bound hand, he leaned down next to my ear and rasped, "I like it more when they struggle," causing me to freeze instantly. He pushed off of me and grabbed a metal shackle that was attached to the wall. He grabbed my foot and continued to kick, but he easily got the shackle around my ankle and locked it. "Don't scream now or I'll glue your pretty little mouth shut too," he smirked, "we wouldn't want that now would we," he ripped a single strip of tape. I rapidly shook my head no, "good," he pressed the tape over my mouth. With both hands he held my head, bring his lips to mine over the tape, leaving a horrible pit in his stomach.

Bo placed the key for my shackle in a red bin on the top shelf by the door. And with one last look he closed and locked the door. Leaving me and Carly alone and tied up in the damp disturbing basement.

Word count: 1200+

A/N- I've never written a scene like that, so, wow, that was something

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