Part 6 |A Quaint Town Called Ambrose|

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"Thank you again!" You said and quickly walked over to your friends this time, as to not loose them in the bushes ahead.

You skipped over the rocks toward your friends who were impatiently waiting on the other side of the deep puddle. When you reached them, they turned and the three of you continued on your way to the town.

    "Is he still staring," Carly asked, Wade quickly turned to check, "yea, just keep walking," he said, "oh like I'm gonna stop," Carly retorted. "I don't see what the big deal is," you hugged, "sure he's a strange guy, but he wasn't threatening really, and he was doing us a favour for nothing in return," you pleaded Lester's case, but to no avail. Carly just rolled her eyes dramatically, and Wade just shrugged at you, "and Jason thinks I'm the sensitive one."

    As you rounded the corner that Lester had mentioned, little to your surprise sate the small town of Ambrose. "Damn... now I feel like a real asshole," Wade sighed at the sight of the quaint place, "I don't care. That guy was a freak," Carly said carelessly, and Wade muttered in agreement. "You're both assholes. How about that?" You frowned. "Come one Y/N, that guy was a serious creep!" Carly crossed her arms, "I mean sure, but you guys didn't have to be so rude," you fought back, "if he was some deranged killer dude, that rudeness would have gotten you instantly stabbed." You said blatantly.

~~~~ Small time skip ~~~~

    The three of you walked over to the gas station to see if the owner, Bo, was around. There was faint music playing inside the station, but no one seemed to be around. Wade peaked into the garage, Carly checked in the door window, and you looked in the windows on the side. "Hello?" Wade called out. Carly opened to unlocked station door, "hello?" She called into the empty building. Lastly you knocked on the window you were looking through, "hello?" You called as well, but there was just the low hum of bluesy rock music.

    "You see anybody?" Carly asked you and Wade as you made your way over to her, "no, nobody," Wade said. "Yeah," you shook your head, "completely abandoned."

    Carly sighed, then her phone began to ring. She walked a few paces away from the station and answered the call. You and Wade were still looking in the building, hoping someone was maybe just taking a long time to answer you, or maybe they were busy in a basement and couldn't hear you?

    "No, there's no one at the gas station," Carly spoke into the phone as you all started to walk away, "I don't know where we're going," Carly added, then paused to listen, "why don't you just head up the road that we got off at for the campsite? It's washed out at the end." You and Wade looked at each other with confusing, "I don't know" you mouthed to him. "Call us when you get there. We'll meet you," Carly continued.

    Carly continued to talk on the phone when you noticed an old lady watching you from her window before closing the curtains. "I was starting to think this place was completely abandoned," you chuckled, gesturing at the window. "Yeah seriously," Wade agreed.

    Carly hung up the phone. "Hey. There's that house of wax!" Wade happily pointed out, "whoa," you gasped in aw of the strange yellow and green building. "Guys, what about the fan belt?" Carly rationally questioned, "well, there no one at the station," Wade answered plainly as you three stopped walking to come up with some kind of plan. "Why don't we ask someone in the church?" Carly asked, "all right, all alright" Wade obviously agreed with his girlfriend. But you most definitely did not, "what? No, are you serious?" What if they're having a mass, or some kind of service?" You looked at the two of them, "what other choice do we have?" Carly said and her and Wade started to walk over. You dropped your shoulders in defeat and joined them.

    As you neared the church, you could hear a pipe organ playing inside, causing you to be more anxious about what could be going on inside. Wade and Carly went up the steps, whereas you held back, still not comfortable with the idea of intruding on what could be going on. "Let us all bow our head and say a prayer for our beloved deceased friend," you heard a male voice say inside the church, "no, guys wait!" You hissed, but they were already opening the doors, "shit."

    The two stopped dead in their tracks when they entered the building. Who you assumed was the priest had stopped talking, when you heard Carly awkwardly say, "oh, um... we should go." And Wade agreed with her as per usual. This time it was a very warranted agreement.

    They backed up, closing the door as they did. "What did I say!?" You whisper yelled, "we didn't have any other choice," Carly argued, "well what do we do now then?" You counter argued, "do we just wait out here?" Carly asked. "I don't know. I feel kinda messed up waiting outside a church for a funeral to end." Wade said so,e thing you finally agreed with, "thank you!" You let out an exasperated huff.

    That's when a well tall man, wearing a black suit, slicked back hair and sad eyes walked out of the church. "Hey, man, sorry about walking in. We didn't know..." Wade started, "you shouldn't have walked in," the man said with discontent. "Yeah, I know. It's just that we have car trouble and we're not from this town," Wade explained, "we were actually looking for a guy named Bo,"Carly said. You smiled sympathetically at the man, "a guy named Lester said he works at the gas station." "You found him," the man said, his upset tone unwavering. "Really? Well um..." Wade cleared his throat, contemplating his next words, "we need a fan belt." Wade stated as the man lit a cigarette, "we were camping up the road and..." the man took a drag before cutting Wade off, "a fan belt?" The man questioned, "yeah." "You walk in on a funeral for a fucking fan belt?" The man laughed angrily, then shook his head, "well, let me just go dump the casket in the ground. I'll be right there." He said frustratedly throwing his barley used cigarette into the gravel. "Look we're sorry," Carly said with nearly no true sympathy for the man. "Yeah," he shook his head walking up the steps.

    Bo stopped in front of the doors, and swept a hand threw his slick hair. Right before Bo went back inside, you leap up the steps and tapped him gently on the arm, "Bo?" He turned to face you, "I know it's hard to believe now... but it does get easier," you smiled and patted him on the arm. He smiled back, and with a curt nod he walked back into the church.

Word count: 1100
A/N- On my first watch I didn't like Bo... but by my third watch I couldn't deny that I actually did like his character... even though he's horrible 😬

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