Part 17 |Melting Hearts|

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"No..." I whimpered, "no, Nick wait! Please..." but it was done. I watched at the floor in between us and Vincent filled with fire. Vincent had tried to run over to us but was stopped by the wall of flames.

    "Nick! Y/N! Let's get out of here!" She beckoned to us, "hurry!" She called again when I didn't move. "Go, I'll be up in a second!" I gave them a warm smile, "Y/N we can't..." "just go!" The stayed for a few seconds, then ran up the stairs.

    I turned back to Vincent, still separated by frame. His chest was heaving, he was moving with so much anger. "Vincent... I'm sorry," he stopped pacing, "I didn't want to leave you, I don't, but I had to save my friends," he watched me intently as we spoke. "Look, I can convince Carly and Nick not to say anything about you to police. If you just let them live," he shook his head. I didn't want to say it, but I had to, "and Bo, they won't tell anyone about either of you. I won't tell anyone," he thought for a second before shaking his head again. I took in a shaking breath of fresh smoke, "I'll stay with you. I won't fight, I won't leave," he didn't respond, "I like you Vincent, and I don't want to leave you here alone. But I can't stay if you kill any more of my friends." Tears fell down my face. I was scared of him, of course I was, how couldn't I be. But I want lying. I did want to be around him, I wanted to stay with him. He nodded once, putting his knife away, one was somewhere on the ground.

    "You'll die if you stay down here," he rasped slowly, barley audible. "So will you," he looked away from me, "promise you won't kill my friends," he looked back up at me, "promise," he spoke quietly. I smiled.

    "There's a bed there right?" I asked, pointing at the vague bed frame shape on his side of the fire. "Grab that to block the fire, and quickly walk through." He grabbed the mattress, and I heard a faint sound. It sounded like Nick yelling. Before Vincent started through the fire, I ran up the slightly melting stairs. "Nick! Carly!" I bellowed.

    The second I entered the foyer in the wax house, I was met with the sight of a blood covered Carly. She was standing over Bo, trusty bat in hand, bashing it into his face over, and over, and over. I stumbled over to them, Vincent would never let them go now. "Carly... what did- what did you do," I stuttered, sucking in shaky breath after shaky breath. She was just heaving fast breaths while looking at me, fury in his eyes.

    Just then Vincent came up the steps. My heart dropped to my stomach when he saw his brother. He dropped to his knees next to Bo as Carly ran. Nick couldn't move well though probably because of the injuries he must've sustained while fighting with me. Vincent rasping howled in anguish over this lose. Tears spilled over my cheeks with no sign of stopping, "Vincent, I-" I didn't know what to say, 'I'm sorry' 'I'm here for you' 'it's ok' there was no fixing this.

    Vincent looked over at Carly, the same kind of murder in his eyes that I had seen in Bo's hours earlier. His mask was starting to melt. It was a truly scary sight. He was going to kill her, and I had to stop him. Carly started to run up the melting steps, so I followed. The wax was practically suctioning us to it as we forced our way up. Nick was calling up to Vincent, "I swear to God, if you hurt them..." he paused, he had no fighting words in him at that moment, because he knew at this point there was't much he could do. "Vincent!" But he didn't stop, or even slow down.

    Carly and I sprinted down the wax hallway and made it to a room. Inside there was a bed in the centre, and a cradle in the right corner behind the door with conjoined twins inside. We shut the door behind us. It was also made of wax, which was very inconvenient for the circumstance. Carly pulled the cradle in front of the door, as if it would hinder Vincent's attempt to catch us. Which it most definitely would not.

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