Part 18 |Choice A|

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"Vincent," I reach down to the hand he wasn't holding on with, "grab my hand! I'll pull you up." He shook his head and placed his free hand back on the support beam. "Vincent, please!"

    I can't leave him here to die. It's not right. "Take my hand," he looked away, "take my hand, or I will jump into that death pit with you." My tears were clouding my vision. He looked back up at me, and for the first time I could see the expressions on his face, I could tell every emotion he was feeling in that moment. Fear, dread, panic, pain, sadness. So many emotions.

He was starting to slip, his fingers growing to tired to hold on to the beam. Then he dropped, and so did my heart. In a flash I dropped onto my stomach on the beam, and grabbed he outstretched hand. He wasn't light, and catching him pulled my shoulder partially out of its socket, I shrieked in pain, but I still held on, despite the burn in my shoulder. "Let me go," Vincent rasped. I shook my head, "not gonna happen."

I looked around for how we could do this, how we could both get out with our lives. Carly and Nick had dropped down, but where they landed had since fallen. "I'm going to swing you, and you're going to drop on that ledge," I explained nodding toward the ledge I was talking about. "And you?" "I don't know... I'll figure something out," I gave a reassuring smile.

"Ready?" I asked, and he nodded. My arm throbbed as I began to swing him back and forth. It was one of the worst pains I had ever experienced, bones rubbing together, tendons fighting to keep my arm attached to my torso. I sobbed, Vincent looked worried, but there was an almost immediate release of pain when I dropped him toward the ledge.

With a slam, he landed on his side. He scrambled away from the edge as it began to fold in on itself. He looked up at me, the blazing fire reflecting in his eyes. He reached both arms to me, motioning me to jump. "I- I can't..." but there was no other way, all the floor up here had fallen now. He motioned again, more frantic this time. I nodded slowly, I had to do this or I would suffocate in scolding hot wax. Carefully I pushed myself up onto the beam, my right arm still basically out of commission. I shuffled across the beam toward the farthest side of the room, closest to the ledge. I felt sick to my stomach looking at the drop, it was at least two stories high, which was two too many.

"I'll catch you," I heard Vincent's quiet voice, "come one." I swallowed my fear. Sitting down on the beam, with a shove with my one hood arm, I was plummeting down. I screamed the whole way down, squeezing my eyes shut. I expected to hit the ground, or land in the melting muck. I was preparing myself for it mentally, but he caught me. He broke my fall.

"Shit! Are you ok?" I jumped out of arms, afraid I may have killed him. But, almost comically, he gave me a thumbs up. I sighed a laugh and he got himself up. He then pointed at my arm, "I think it's just a dislocation, no big deal," I waved it off, my arms was just hanging limply and it didn't hurt too much. "I can fix it," Vincent took my limp hand. He looked at me questioningly, his eyes asking me if it was ok. "Go for it," I said grudgingly. He gently grabbed my tricep, placing his other hand above my shoulder joint. With a sickening pop, and a pained groan, my arm was back in its place, "now we gotta get the hell out of here," I spoke, still feeling the sting in my joint.

~~ Time skip ~~

Surprisingly, we were able to make it outside, mostly unscathed. It was still dark, but it looked like the sun was just about to rise. We had gotten out at the back of the building. I could vaguely hear Nick and Carly, 'I have to talk to them.' "Hey, stay here, I'm gonna go talk to Nick and Carly alright?" He didn't respond so started toward their voices, but he gently caught my wrist. I turned to him, he looked scared, like I was gonna turn around that corner and disappear forever. "I'll be right around that corner," he studied my face, "and I'll come right back." I was being truthful. Wether I loved him, I felt bad for him, felt protective of him, or all of the above - I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I didn't have it in my heart to leave him to die, or possibly worse, leave him to law enforcement. Reluctantly he let go of my wrist. With a smile I walked off.

"Nick, Carly!" I waved to them, jogging over. "Oh my God!" Carly gasped, engulfing me in a warm hug, "you're ok!" She exclaimed, "yeah!" I laughed, and Nick joined the hug. When we let go, my somewhat happy expression turned serious. The two looked worried, "what is it?" Nick asked. I sighed, "Vincent made it too," I told them. "What? How?" Carly questioned. "I helped him," I paused, "and I know it sounds crazy, and you're probably going to hate me for this, but could you guys maybe not tell anyone about him?" They're faces were covered in shock, "Look, I know he killed people, but just tell the cops about Bo... leave Vincent out of it and let us sneak away. Pretend we were never here." "Wait, you're leaving with him?" Nick asked, astonished, "Y/N, you can't- we can't-" "please... if not for him, do it for me," I begged them as the sun could barely be seen over the horizon, "please."

Carly and Nick looked at each other, and after a few seconds Carly spoke, "ok" I could tell she didn't really want to agree, "for you." I thanked them sincerely, "be carful" Nick added. They wished me well, and I said my goodbyes. Depending on what happened next, this may be the last time I ever see them.

I walked back to Vincent, crying tears I really shouldn't have at this point. He saw me, it seemed as if that worried expression had never left his face. He hugged me too, this hug confirmed it for me. I truly cared for this strange man, and I couldn't leave him. The hug was tight and comforting, warm and happy, somber and sad. I cried into his shoulder while he stroked my hair. It was nice. Despite everything that had happened, I felt good.

"We have to go," I wiped my face, backing away from him, "the smoke has probably alerted some kind of police or fire rescue people, so if we don't go now we might never be able to," I held his hands in my mine. "Are you sure?" He asked me, "you don't have to stay with me... I understand that you probably want to go," he sounded like a wounded animal, "please be honest." I looked at him, taking in his face in all its beauty, "I'm sure." He paused for a moment before grinning, he wasn't expecting that answer.

He practically skipped up to his house with me behind him, the sunrise cascading over the abandoned town.

We hopped into a different truck, one I hadn't seen yet, and we were off, driving out some old unused backroad, straight out of town.

Word count: 1200+

A/N- there will be an epilogue, so stay tuned!!

(I'm the meantime tho you could read option B :DDD )

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