Part 8 |The Artist|

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You looked over to the window and saw a person with long black hair watching you two from outside. You curiously cocked your head to the side, looking at the mysterious person. You realized Carly must have seen them too considering the sharp gasp she let out. But the instant she turned, the person had vanished.

    "What? What is is?" Wade asked, leaving the dining room. "I just saw someone," Carly said breathlessly, "it was probably just a wax thing," Wade dismissed her. "No, no. It wasn't a wax thing. It was moving and it was freaky-looking," she spoke quickly out of fear. Wade looked at you, "yea, I saw a person too. Looked like they were wearing a mask or something."

    "I'll go check it out," Wade said, briskly walking to the door, "you guys hang near a second," he said making his way outside. Carly frantically looked around at each wax figure in the room, "girl, you need to calm down, it's not that big of a deal," you giggled at how afraid she was. The two of you explored more, checking to see if whoever you saw had somehow come inside.

    You had made it to the kitchen when a loud banging sound startled the two of you. You both whirled around to face the sound. But all Carly was faced with was a sculpture with a creepy melted face. She shrieked and knocked the thing over. You tried to save it, but it's hollow head shattered against the edge of the table next to you. Carly ran to the entrance, "Carly," you called out to her, "Carly it was just Wade," you said, jogging toward the entrance as well.

    She burst out the front doors, running right into Wades arms, "whoa, hey! Damn, Carly, what's wrong?" He said as if he didn't know what he'd just done. "This place is freaking me out," she exasperated, "hey calm down. There's no one out here," Wade tried to make her feel better. You were standing in the doorway now, leaning against the frame. "Please, I just want to go," she said, already Barr.I got down the step. "Okay, okay," Wade surmised, "Y/N come on."

    "I'm gonna hang back," you said calmly, "I dropped my bag inside during the commotion, plus I wanna look around a little more." "Uh, okay," Wade said, "just meet us at the station soon all right?" "Worked for me!" You said happily sauntering back into the building.

    You walked back, tracing your steps back to the kitchen. On the floor next to the kitchen table was your bag, a few of your art supplies had fallen out. You were picking them up when a creaking sound caught your attention. You looked behind you, no one was there as expected, but there was a gramophone. You walked over, there was already a disk just waiting to be heard, so, you placed the needle down. You looked at it for a few seconds while a scratching noise came out of it, then the music started. The tune was very recognizable to you, the song Tonight You Belong To Me by Patience and Prudence was playing. It got you in an artsy mood. You decided to sit down at the kitchen table and sketch some of the fine works you'd seen in this strange wax museum.

    As you drew, you heard a creak behind you in the dining room. You whirled around in your seat, you knew it couldn't be Wade or Carly since they hadn't been gone nearly long enough, and as far as you were aware, Paige and the others were at the game. It took you a few seconds to register that the person behind you was indeed a living person, not a wax statue. You jumped to your feet when the person flinched away from you, practically hiding behind the door. You cautiously stood up, it looking away from the man, "I saw you..." You said more as a question than anything else. The person nodded shyly.

You studied his face for a moment, realizing his face was concealed under a mask - which you assumed to made out of wax. "Are you the artist?" He nodded his head again, seeming even more shy. Your eyes lit up in excitement, "these pieces, they're incredible Vincent," you said with a bright smile, "sorry, can I call you Vincent?" He was in shock at your enthusiasm, he had never seen a person this excited about his art. You rambled on about how amazing his sculpture work was. He was in awe of you. "Am I talking too much?" You asked with a nervous smile. Vincent hastily shook is head 'No' he very much liked hearing praise for his art, which he didn't get much.

You had moved away from the table slightly, revealing your open sketch book to Vincent. He pointed behind you at it, you looked, "oh, my sketchbook?" You said. "Can I see?" He rasped, just below a whisper. "Oh!" You we're shocked at his small voice, "um, sure," you walked over to the table and he followed. You watched his face as he scanned intently over your sketchbook. He wasn't saying anything, but you quickly learned he wasn't much of a talker.

You picked up the sketchbook and tore a paper out. Handing it to him you asked, "wanna draw with me?" You couldn't see it, but was smiling so much it hurt. He nodded and graciously took the paper. You reached into your satchel pulling out a pencil for him as well, and handing it to him.

You both sat in the room, listening to the record player, and drawing as time flew by. The record had stopped playing and you looked down at your phone. It had been almost half an hour, "oh shit," you cursed, Vincent immediately looked up seemingly worried. "I have to go! My friends are probably waiting for me," you laughed nervously, "god, I am so sorry." You got up, packing up your things, not realizing Vincent had moved closer to you. "Oh," you said as he handed you his pencil and paper, "thank you!" The paper was folder in 4, so the drawing was concealed. You decided you would look at it later when you weren't in a rush to meet your friends.

You speed-walked over to the door. Vincent curiously following your trail. Before leaving you turned to face him, "thank you again," you smiled a pure and joyful smile, "this was nice!" As you pushed open, just out of ear shit, Vincent thanked you as well.

Word count: 1100

A/N- I literally wrote this on New Year's Day at 2AM

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