Part 20 |Bonus Material|

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So this next bit is that dream I mentioned, the one that was definitely because of this story. So this bit doesn't have anything to do with the actual story, it's just a little dumb bonus story!
The dream was very all over the place, and at points made no sense, so I will try my best to explain... This is how the dream went...

    I don't know how I got here, but I was on a little island. It was quiet and beautiful. Lush with floral life. On the land, next to the water, was a house. It was quite modern looking for being an older house. It was a gorgeous house that maybe he'd the beauty of the little island, but despite that there was something eerie about it.

    I was there with 2 of my closest friends, Carly and Nick, the twins. Wade, Carly's boyfriend, was supposed to be here too, but he was running late.

    The downside of the island was that there was only one entrance to it, meaning there was only one exit as well. And all surrounding islands were a bit of a swim away, not impossible to swim across, but not easy.

    We were renting out the house there, taking a little vacation of sorts. It wasn't too expensive which was nice, and the owner, who we spoke to over the phone, seemed pretty kind as well. All in all, seemed like it was going to be a good time. But oh how I was wrong.

    O the island, I saw the owner. (Somehow) I knew who it was... Bo Sinclair, meaning Vincent Sinclair was also around somewhere. Turns out this whole thing was a plan to kidnap and murder us.

    (If I remember correctly) Vincent and Bo were old friends of mine from elementary school, but they got expelled because Bo got in a really bad fight, and Vincent joined in to help him. Years later I met them again when I went to their home town to see if they were there, and they were, but they were different. Murderous. (This is where the events of the movie would've taken place) Luckily, Carly, Nick, Wade, and I survived the ordeal. Which is why we wanted to take this nice quiet vacation... bad idea.

~~ don't really know what happened here so time skip ~~

    Bo had gotten Nick and Carly in his house, trapping them there (don't ask how, idk). I was still outside with Bo, on the porch of the house. He forced me to stay there, threatening me if I moved. He was waiting for Wade to show up. When he did, Bo walked around the corner of the porch to greet him, but also nab him. He knocked Wade out and brought him and me into the house to join Carly and Nick.

~~ time skip again lol ~~

    We were all in the house, Vincent was no where to be seen. We were in the basement, but when Bo was distracted we all ran upstairs to the the first floor. But obviously Bo was right in us.

    Carly and the others were tied up, sitting on the floor in the living room. For some reason I wasn't. Bo seemed to have somewhat of a soft spot for me, mostly because Vincent did as well.

    The interior was a healthy mix of open concept, and closed off rooms. I was walking around the large room we were in. An open living room, dining room, kitchen area. Bo was watching me as I looked around. I noticed there were no emergency buttons anywhere (for some reason that was like a normal thing people had in there homes). Carly and the others looked at me with confusion, wondering why I was helping Bo improve his home (man idk??). I was freaking out internally all while doing this, but I didn't want to think about the fear of the situation, so I was essentially doing this to distract myself from my own fear (which is something I so would do).

    Bo said, "well I don't have any of 'em around here because I don't want people to find them," he explained, "well then, just hide them where only you can find it," I said while Carly and them just kept looking at me like I was crazy. Which was fair in all honesty. Bo hummed in understanding, "it's an old house, which is why it doesn't have them." I shook my head, "which is why it should have them.(at this point the think I was looking for turned into smoke decors) This house would go up in flames like kindling." "Fair point," Bo nodded.

    While Bo was distracted with the others, and bringing them back down to the basement, I boldly ventured further into the house, looking through the rooms. The last room I walked into was Vincent's, I don't know how I knew, but I knew. I looked out the window of the room, scoping the for the best way to get off the island that wasn't the actual exit. That's when I heard Bo yelling, "I thought I told you to stay here!" It was true, he had told me to stay in the main area, but I obviously didn't.

    I was going to go back to him the second I heard him calling for me, I didn't want him to be angry as if I was crying. But I was stopped before I could even start to leave. I didn't have to look to know it was Vincent. His arms snaked around my waist, pressing my back against his body. I tensed at his touch as he held me there, swaying slightly, his chin just hovering above my head.

   After a minute or so passed, he let go. I made sure his footfalls were far enough away before I turned around. I began to leave the room, to find Bo and try to explain that I wasn't trying to hide. But my emotions got the best of me, I fell to the floor in silent sobs, leaning against the bed next to me for some support.

    This was the last room Bo checked, "what did I say to you? Hm?" Bo scolded me. I looked up at him, tears still falling from my eyes, "Vincent... he was..." My breath was shaky, "he was here." "Where is he now?" Bo asked.

(After this point I don't really remember what happened, but I do remember this)
    I was in a room with Vincent as he sewed me stuffed animal. I wasn't happy about it though since he had taken my favourite stuffed animal, ripped off its head, and sewed it back together in a weird manner.

(And this):
    I payed in Vincent's lap as he stroked my hair...

   That's when I was rudely woken up at 2pm

Word count: 1100+

A/N- and again, thank you all for reading 🫶🫶 I honestly didn't expect anyone to lol!

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