Part 5 |Lester|

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"I'm going with you," Carly said, "yea me too," you said looking at Carly, then at Wade, "no, no. You guys, no," Paige said, but you both dismissed her.

    You, Carly, and Wade got in the true with strange man. You climbed in the back, while Carly and Wade had to sit in the front due to the lack of space by you. Tools and bones clattered as the man drove you down the bumpy dirt roads.

    The man was pretty creepy, but you didn't mind too much, you could hold your own and Wade could help if need be. But the man was nice enough, that you didn't think he would try anything weird or gross.

    "Can you roll the window down, please?" Carly asked Wade, breaking the awkward silence, "yeah," Wade said and attempted to roll the window down, but to no luck. "Sorry 'bout that," the man spoke, "trucks seen better days," he chuckled. "Uh, do you mind rolling your window down, then?" Wade asked with an awkward smile, "not at all," the male replied, rolling his window down most of the way. "Sorry," he apologized, "I kinda get used to the smell." "Really? I don't think I could ever get used to it," Carly's voice was nazely, "no, honestly, I kinda get what he's saying," you said, finally not being as bother by the smell. Granted it was still disgusting, just less so. "Yea, you can get used to anything, if you're around it long enough," you didn't know why, but something about those specific words really creeped you out, more than the possible human hand in the roadkill pit.

    The man explained some stuff about the roadkill, about how if you get them before the sun bakes them they don't smell as bad, and how if they're really fresh he takes them home. "Why waste the meat?" He said, which was honestly a fair point. "Are we almost there yet," Carly asked, her nose still plugged, "it's just up the road," the man stated, "yep, Ambrose used to be a pretty nice town, before the interstate came in." You we're listening to the man speak when you saw Carly look down, you followed her line of sight. The man had a knife strapped to his belt, you didn't think anything of it, this man picks up road kill and sometimes takes it home, it would be weirder if he didn't have a knife on him. But Carly thought otherwise, she got Wades attention, pointing out the knife to him, but the man noticed as well.

    "You like knives!" The man said happily, "not really," Carly said, "but you cheerfully said "yes," right after her. "Tools of the trade. You wanna see it?" The man asked, unbuttoning the strap around it and pulling it out, "it's a-" he was about to say the kind of knife, but you interrupted, "a bowie!" You smiled ear to ear, "exactly!" The man beamed, "it's a good knife. That'll cut through anything." He added, stabbing into his disheveled dashboard, making Carly jump.

    Hastily the man floored the brakes and his truck still to a quick stop. "Oh shit" Wade said quietly at the abrupt stop, "hey what's going on man?" Wade was also panicking now, so were you a bit, "you said there was a town up here," Wade continued. "Well, yeah, there is," the man said as if stating the obvious, "it's just 'round the bend. I just gotta flip my hubs into four-wheel," he spoke, pointing at the seemingly deep mucky puddle in front of the truck. "You mind giving me a hand?" He looked at Wade, "uh, when was the last time you were here?" Wade asked, the man chuckled, "well, you don't believe me?" He answered with a question. "I forgot this way in's all washed out, that's all," the man smiled, "Wade if you're not gonna help then I gladly will, so you're gonna have to move," you glared at him.

    Wade seemed to blatantly ignore you, "we'll walk the rest of the way, then," Wade said to then man, "thank you. You've done enough." "Now why would you wanna do that?" The man asked innocently, "look, we want to walk, okay? Just let us out now," Carly said harshly, causing the man's smile to evaporate. He stated quiet for a beat. "Sure," he said grudgingly, grabbing his knife from the dashboard and walking over to the passenger side.

    You smacked Carly on the shoulder, "what the hell?" You said, scolding her for her rudeness, but she was more preoccupied with the man and his bowie knife. Both Wade and Carly were getting ready for the man to open the door and start stabbing, "guys really?" You you scoffed at them, "he picks up roadkill, he's gonna have knives on him," you said blatantly.

    The man swung the door open, Wade and Carly stilled at the sight of the knife being sheathed and not in the man's hand. "Well, get out then!" The man said in a harsh tone similar to Carly's, "try and do something nice for someone," he seemed upset, you felt a little bad for your friends rude tone. "Look man it's not like that, all right" Wade said as the two got out, followed by you squeezing out of the back. "We appreciate it," Wade sighed, "yeah, I can tell," the man spat sarcastically as Wade closed the door.

    Wade and Carly began to make there way over to the supposed town around the bend. "Hey, I'm really sorry," you apologized to the man for your friends behaviour, "no, it's all good, not your fault your friends are rude pieces of shit," he glared up at them, "yea, true," you chuckled. "Sorry, that was a bit much," he said giggling with you, "no, that was the perfect amount," you replied still laughing a little. "Oh, I wanted to ask your name, if that's alright, since we skipped pleasantries before." The man smiled at your kindness, "Lester," he stretched out his hand for you, "Y/N," you shook his hand, "seriously, thank you for the ride! It read very generous of you," you smiled sweetly at him. "Not a problem at all," he smiled back. "Y/N, come on!" Carly called to you.

    You began to walk away, and waved to the man you now knew as Lester. "Wait, Y/N, hold on," Lester said, "this yours?" He asked, pulling a satchel out of the back. You weren't too far from him yet, so you just walked over, not bothering to make hast. "Oh my god! Yes, thank you," you breathed, "seemed important," he said handing it over to me, "it is to me," you laughed, "it's got my sketch book and other art stuff in it." You scuffled around in it, making sure nothing fell out. "Thank you again!" You said and quickly walked over to your friends this time, as to not loose them in the bushes ahead.

Word count: 1100+

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