Part 16 |Flames|

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The pieces were starting to connect in my head. What God took from you. Part of Vincent's face was probably extremely scarred, or partially missing. That's why he wears that wax mask, he's afraid of what people would say about him.

    Bo continued to search around the house, seeing if anyone was lurking in the shadows.

"Did you touch this," Bo waved the picture in my face. "No, I've been in your line of sight this whole time," I snapped back with confidence. "Well, did you see who did," the muscles in his jaw flexing. "No," I lied. I noticed Carly under the pool table before he checked it, when he wasn't looking I motioned for her to run. Bo glared at me, trying to see if I was lying. I just thought about the fact that I might not be lying, it was possible Carly hadn't seen the photo, that's the only reason Bo couldn't see the lie. He huffed and looked around a little more.

After Bo's finale little search, he came back over to Vincent and I I'm the kitchen. "You better not get in our fucking way," he seethed, I didn't break eye contact, "or else..." "or else what?" He looked astonished, he definitely didn't expect that. He studied me for a moment before looking up at his brother, "Vincent," Vincent looked at him now, "you're gonna have to tie this stupid bitch up if we're going to get this job done. I don't know what you wanna do with her, but she's gonna be a problem."

Vincent looked down at his feet when I made eye contact with him. I hadn't thought about that. Then lights started to flicker around the town. 'What's going on?' I internally panicked. Bo and Vincent went over to the window, peering out at the flashing lights of the abandoned town. Bo sighed in a pleased tone, 'that's not good'.

While they were distracted, I snuck away. I knew Carly was still alive and I had to save her. I went the direction I saw her go. I walked into the room to my right since it was the only open door. In the room I saw a very faint light coming from a slit in the floor. I went of to the floor boards, there was a hatch in the floor... I went in.

"Carly," I whisper yelled into the cobweb filled tunnels, "Carly are you down here?" I heard some clicking sounds and faint voices. I began a light jog to hopefully catch up to the sounds.

I slowed at a corner since I heard hushed whispers. "Carly?" I turned the corner and ducked just in time before a bat could crack the sit of my head. The bat slammed with a thud against a wood beam that was keeping the tunnel sturdy. "What the fuck," I practically yelled, "you could've killed me?!" The person holding the bat was Carly, "shit, Y/N I'm so sorry," I laughed fearfully, "yea it's no problem at all," I looked at her aside eyed.

Behind her stood her brother Nick, "glad to see you're still alive," I paused, "and not clobbered to death by the old bat hear," Nick chuckled at the quip, "I said I'm sorry!" "I know. But I'm gonna hold it over your head... kinda like your bat there!" I smiled, we all laughed a little. Nick brought us back to earth, "we should probably move." Carly and I nodded in agreement.

After wandering the tunnels a bit, we ended up in a wax covered room. "This is probably under the wax house," I spoke as we all looked around the strange place. "Wait, Y/N?" Carly called, I hummed in response, "how are you still alive? I saw you in the kitchen there with Bo and Vincent..." "I think Vincent likes me," Carly cocked her head to the side, "I don't know, he just wouldn't let Bo hurt me... I think Bo is making him do this, he's not that bad of a guy. Bo's just manipulating him." Carly nodded lightly.

"Dalton," we both looked at Nick as he spoke. He was holding a red cap adorned with white lettering. It was Dalton's hat. He then looked up a the vaguely body shaped mass of wax. I covered my mouth in shock. "Nick," Carly called his name as he slowly walked over. Me and Carly followed close behind. He looked at the figures lifeless blue eyes, touching its hard wax cheek. "I'll get you out of there," he sighed out with tears in his eyes. It hurt us both to see him this way. Nick tried to pull the pins out - the ones holding the figure in playing. But he just snapped the head clean off with a loud crack. Nick gagged and shuttered, looking away from the broken body, "no," Carly sobbed, "no. Nick..." she hugged her brother close to her. Sobbing into him as he processed the reality of the situation. "Nick please." He hugged his sister back, then looked at me. "Not that bad, huh?" His voice was a low rasp. "I- I..." I didn't know what to say.

We heard footsteps approaching fast. We all turned to look down the hallway we entered from. Vincent was not happy with us. With me. "That's Vincent!" Carly breathed. He drew dual knives from his bag as he stormed towards us. Nick headed toward him too, "Nick, no!" I yelled, but he didn't listen. I didn't want Nick to get hurt of course, but I didn't want him to hurt Vincent either.

Nick shoved a small rolling table at Vincent, who pushed it out of the way with ease. He swung the knife at Nick, slicing his tricep and knocking him to the ground. Immediately Carly went to her brother aid, swinging the bat at Vincent. He grabbed the bat mid air before it hit him. There was a quick tug of war for the bat until Vincent use it to throw Carly away from him. She fell back into some kind of level causing the fire under the giant pot of wax to grow 10 times bigger. "Vincent stop it!" I cried. He whipped his head from the growing fire to me, my breath hitched in my throat.

In Vincent's distracted state, Nick was able to tackle him into the wall. I went over to help Carly up while the boys scuffled around. Nick was able to get the upper hand and throw Vincent to the ground, when I noticed the wax starting to catch fire, "oh, shit!"

Whole Vincent was temporarily stunned, Nick ran over to us, "come on!" He hollered, "move it! Move it!" He ushered us to the other side of the room. Before leaving Nick made the quick decision to dump the scolding wax, which was still very much on fire. "No..." I whimpered, "no, Nick wait! Please..." but it was done. I watched at the floor in between us and Vincent filled with fire. Vincent had tried to run over to us but was stopped by the wall of flames.

Word count: 1100+

A/N- I can't be the only one to think Nick snapping of Daltons head is funny... cuz like, his head was already cut off so it's not like Nick really did any damage...

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