Chapter Three

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Carrera's POV

I wake with a pounding in my head making me groan, I knew I over did it last night. I turn in bed pulling the covers over me, yesterday was just too much to take in, in one day. From the funeral to my fight with Molly and Mr. Hemming. 

Mr. Hemming! 

Oh god!

My conversation from last night comes into mind and I groan, I can't believe I called him and laughed in his face. I don't know what I was thinking. You were drunk. My subconscious reminds me. Maybe he won't be too hard on me for laughing.

Oh, wait I quit. 

I still can't believe I did that, how much did I have to drink last night. I just want the ground to swallow me whole, and never spit me out again. I lay in bed for a while before there was a knock at my door, I pull the covers off getting out of bed.

I walk over to my door opening it, to find Rile standing there with a cup in his hand. He gives me a smile before handing it to me, I take it to see that it's a cup of coffee. I look up at him, and he has a look on his face that I have never seen before.

"What?" I ask.

"There is someone here for you" he says, and I frown.

I walk out and he stops me.


"You might want to cover up" he hits.

I look down to see that I am only in a t-shirt, I look up at him and he is blushing. I walk into my room finding some shorts throwing them on. I grab my coffee heading down, I look up as I enter the living room and the smell of food hits me and my stomach groans.

"Hungry?" Rile asks coming from the kitchen.

"What are you making?" I walk into the kitchen to find Molly sitting at the table.

"Aunt Cara!" Masie yells running up to me.

I stoop hugging her. Masie is Molly and Rile's daughter, she is five years old and the sweetest kid in the world. I don't get to see her as much as I would like with work but now, I will make time for her.

"How is my little angel" I ask picking her up.

"I'm fine just missing grandma" she says sadly and my heart breaks.

She and Aunt Savana were really close, I know this is hard for her too. I look over at Molly and she has a black eye; yesterday was a long and hard day for us both. I know I'm going to have to apologize to her but not now.

We all sit down and have breakfast. Masie and I catch up and she made me promise to take her to the beach. After breakfast Rile took Masie to the store, so that Molly and I could talk. I walk into the living room to find her on the phone.

She looks up when she sees me I walk in, she ends her call. I walk over to the couch sitting down, I look down at my hand. I don't know how to say this, I am not the best at apologizing, I always say something wrong and make matters worse, but I don't want that.

She is the only family that I have left, as much as we don't get along on most things, I don't want to lose her for anything.

"I'm sorry" I say, and she looks at me dark brown eyes surprised. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did yesterday, it was wrong of me. Savana was your mother, and you know what is best for her. I'm sorry for overstepping and for attacking you" I tell her, and she looks down at my hand.

"Let me see" she takes my hand looking at it and it's bruised bad, not just from my fight with her but from a wall at the bar, I think. 

"You should get that taken care of. I'll go get the kit" she stands walking out of the room.

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