Chapter Seven

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Josh's POV

Where is she?

I just got back from my meeting and Carrera isn't back yet. She had sent me a text this morning telling me she was going out to view property for my new house. I don't really need a new house, but I know I couldn't bring her here without giving her something to do she wouldn't have agreed.

She spent yesterday going around the city and trying new things. I will admit I was a little surprised at how much she ate and she still manages to look good. I wanted to go with her to see houses, but I had this last-minute meeting just drop in my lap and I took it. I don't know why but I find myself wanting to spend time with her.

I can't explain it but something has changed between us and I can't shake it. I walk into the living room looking for any sign of Carrera, but I don't see her and that worries me. I take out my phone calling her, I want to know what she is up to and who she is with.

Her phone rings a few times before going to voicemail. I try it again and the same thing happens, I call up the security team I have tailing her. Just as it starts ringing, I heard the door behind me close, I turn around to find my mother walking in with a smile on her face.

"Mother" I take her in and she looks happy about something.

She looks up at me and her smile gets bigger. I still don't know what she is doing here and my father has yet to call me; which is weird I know something is going on with them. But I can't quite put my finger on it.

"You look happy" I hint and she blushes. "Had fun?"

"As a matter a fact I did" she says sounding surprised.

"You sound surprised"

She looks at me light blue eyes taking me in, and I know something happened with her today and I am eager to hear about it.

"I am" she says taking a seat on the couch and I join her. "I forgot what it was like to just have fun and not have to worry about the press or people trying to sell me things" she tells me and I know how she feels.

I had no reason to come to Paris. I just wanted to get away from home and spend some time in a city I love; but the minute the business world heard I was coming. They all lined up to sell me on their business. I just wish I could travel without all the stress, of always working strange for a workaholic I know but I do envy the simple things in life.

"So, what did you do today?" I ask and she smiles.

I listen as she tells me about her day with Carrera and how impressed she was with her work. I feel proud for some reason. I asked her where Carrera was and she told me she was out with some chef; she met yesterday and I feel uncomfortable the idea of her with some guy.

After my talk with my mother, she went to bed while I waited for Carrera to get home. I wait for what feels like forever before sleep takes over.

I wake to the sound of a door closing I open my eyes to see that it's morning and I am in the living room of my suite I sip up looking around and what I see angers and arouses me. Carrera walking dressed in a man's shirt her hair down around her in a messy heap and her shoes in her hand.

I sit taking her in her legs on full display I have never seen legs like this before and it has me tongue tied. Looking at her like this in this light is not helping my morning wood and I want to bury myself deep inside her. I can't believe she looks this good so early in the morning and...wait a minute what time is it.

I look down at my watch and it's after six in the morning where in the hell is she coming from looking like this that a man's shirt? Did she? Before my mind could even finish the thought, she walks closer and I can't help but notice that her cheeks are red and she has a mark on her neck.

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