Chapter Sixteen

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Carrera's POV

Nervous I am nervous it has been a few weeks since our trip to Spain and we had a serious talk about our relationship and where we want it to go. We have been keeping it lowkey only my friend and his knows about our relationship we haven't even told his parents yet.

I just want to do it right. Josh thinks we should tell them over dinner his parents host a family dinner every Sunday and he always go. He hasn't been in a while because we both wanted to spend more time together but I think this Sunday is the day we tell them.

I careful manage to get out of bed without waking him I place a light kiss on his shoulder before getting dress. I normally work out in his home gym with him but lately I have been running around the estate the fresh air just feels better especially after my nights with Josh.

He has an appetite like no man I have ever been with he is patient and sweet with me not only does he know what my body wants or how it wants it but I pleases him the same way he please me.

At first it felt like a competition that I was trying to outdo him but the more time I spent with him and being with him I realized that it's just our way of showing each other that we see each other and care for each other and it's the best feeling in the world. I finish my run walking up to house I walk into the living room to hear talking I follow it into the kitchen.

I look up to find Malik standing by the island talking on his phone he looks up at me I busy myself making my smoothie while he finishes his call.

"You look fresh this morning" he says and I can't hide my smile. "I take it Josh is behaving"

"What brings you by so early?" I ask knowing he has something for Josh.

"Work stuff" he says vaguely and I nod.

Malik and I stand talking about our weeks before Josh walks in. I take him in and he is wearing sweatpants that hang dangerously low on his hips his chest bare and I can't help but get my eye full.

"Working out without me" he walks over to me placing a kiss on my cheek before taking down a cup pouring himself some coffee.

"I needed to burn some energy" I say and he arches a brow at me. "So, who are you guys digging into now?"

"No one of note" he tells me looking at Malik and I know they have business to discuss.

"I'm going to shower play nice" I tell them walking out of the room.

I take a nice shower washing my runoff me I really hope that today goes over smoothly I know that his parents like me as his employee but it's different when I start dating their son. I stand enjoying the water when strong arms wrap around my middle.

He lowers his head to my neck kissing me there his hands head south to my vagina finding my clit brushing his fingers over it sending my body into a frenzy. He keeps teasing me building me up before removing his hand and I groan he is such a tease sometimes I turn in his hold wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him into me kissing him.

He makes a feral, guttural sound and in an instant he's on me, driving me back against the wall and kissing me with an urgency that leaves us both winded. His mouth is all over my face, kissing, sucking, licking, biting he's ferocious in his attack. His hands mirror his lips, plundering every inch of my skin he can reach, rubbing, molding, scorching. I reciprocate as hard and as fast as I can.

His lips make it to my ear, nipping and licking me closer to the building quake inside of me.

"I can't get enough of you!" His arms circle my hips, lifting me up.

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