Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Josh's POV

"Everything looks good" the doctor says as he checks Carrera's incision.

I look over at her as he checks her stomach and the scar, seeing it makes me angry knowing that someone hurt her and I couldn't stop them. The doctor finishes his checks leaving us alone I reach over taking her hand into mine she looks at me with a smile we have both been through a lot in the last few months.

"How are you feeling?" I ask stroking her hand.

"Tired. Sore. Missing my husband" she tells me and I smile. "Come here" she beckons me into bed with her.

I shake my head. "Baby we're in a hospital and you are sore and tired you need your rest" I tell her.

"Please don't make me get your mother" she tells me and I frown.

I sigh. "Fine" I give in.

Carrera makes space for me and I get in bed with her she wraps her arms around me and I rest my head on her chest just feeling her warmth a feeling I have missed greatly. I close my eyes as she runs her hand through my hair it didn't take long for me to fall asleep.

I wake from my sleep to see that I am alone in a hospital bed I sit up looking around but no one was in the room with me I get out of bed. Just as I stood up the door opened and a nurse wheels Carrera in she looks up at me dark green eyes happy. I help the nurse get her into bed covering her up before sitting on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" I ask playing with her fingers.

She sighs. "A lot" she says.

I take her hand into mine kissing it lightly. "Everything is going to be okay" I reassure her and she smiles.

I sit with her catching her up everything that has happened before she fell asleep, I sit watching her sleep before her room door opened and Rile walked in holding flowers. He rests them on the table before looking over at her with a smile.

"How is she?" he asks.

"She's getting better." I tell him. "How's Molly?"

"She's going through the program" he says. "I still can't believe that this happened to us. Out of all the outcomes this wasn't one I saw for us"

I look over at Carrera and she looks so peaceful, I never saw this coming for us either. We just started our life together we were planning on having a family and now...I almost lost her. Life is unpredictable and it's something we all have to accept.

A few weeks later...

I look over at Carrera as we pull into our drive way she just got discharged from the hospital; the doctor said she was strong enough to come home but she had to take it easy. The car came to a stop and I get out going to her side; I open her door lifting her out walking her into the house.

I head upstairs to our room putting her in bed I remove her shoes helping her get comfortable, once she was all settled I grabbed her bag from the car telling Martina to get dinner for us. I walk into our room to find her standing in the middle of the room looking around.

"Honey?" I say and she turns facing me dark green eyes light. "You okay?"

She nods. "Yea. Just wanted to feel my body" she tells me.

She rests her hand on her stomach as she walks over to the bed, I step to help her but stop myself the doctor said she needs to learn how to get around on her own.

"How bad is the pain?" I ask sitting beside her.

"It's a six" she tells me. "I still can't believe I got shot. Again" she says and I frown,

"Again?" I ask and she looks at my dark green eyes fearful.

"Right I never told you about that"

I shake my head and she takes a breath.

"Take a drive with me" she says making frown. "Please"

I nod standing I help her stand before walking out, we walk out to the car getting in and she tells the driver an address and he drives off. I look over at her as the car comes to a stop. We get out Carrera walks up to the house she stops at the door before opening it walking in she switch on the lights and the room comes into place.

I look around taking in the décor it's plain yet welcoming the photos hanging on the wall of a family they look happy. I stand just taking it in before looking at Carrera she is standing on the landing of the stairs looking down.

"Honey?" I walk over to her and she looks up at me dark green eyes sad. "Hey" I rest my hand on her lower back soothing her. "What's wrong?"

She shakes her head covering her mouth breaking down I hug her comforting her as she cries I pick her up walking her over to the couch sitting down with her holding her as she cries. It takes her a good while to calm down once she has she pulls herself together I walk out to the car grabbing her a bottle of water.

She takes a sip calming down.

"Better?" I ask and she nods.

"I didn't think it would get to me like this being back here I thought I was stronger but I guess after all this time it still hurts and why shouldn't it" she says to herself and I frown.

"Baby what's going on? Talk to me?" I tell her.

She looks around. "This is where I spent the first half of my childhood" she tell me.

I look around at the photos of the happy family and it's her the little girl with long hair and dark green eyes she looked happy really happy.

"This was your home before your parents died" I say and she looks down at her hand.

"Murdered" she whispers making me frown.

"Murdered?" I ask in shock and she nods.

"I was seven years old, when two men broke into the house I was awoken by screams so I got up to look. When I got to the stairs I heard shots I came down to find them standing over my parents." She says looking at the ground. "One of the men turn pointing their gun at me and fired" she whispers and my blood runs cold.

"we found what looks like a bullet fragment stuck in her head look it had been there for a while"

The doctors words comes into mind she got shot when she was a kid in the head; I can't believe this she was just a kid. She has gone through so much overcome so much and it didn't change her most people would hate or be angry but she loves.

I listen as she tells me about the attack her recovery she is so brave and so strong she went through so much and still looks at the world and see good.

"I'm so sorry you suffered so much baby and I promise you whoever did this to you I will make them pay" I vow and she shakes her head.

"It's in the past" she dries her eyes. "I want to move on. Move past the hurt and pain and be happy" she takes my hand looking at me. "You make me happy happier than I have ever been since losing them and I don't want to lose that or hold myself back from that because I am afraid"

"You don't have to be afraid baby I am right here with you I'm not going anywhere" I tell her and she smiles.

"I love you so much" she smiles.

I pull her to me hugging her.

"I love you too honey so much"

I hold her to me this is where she belong and where she will stay forever.

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